Autonomy (Part 3) [A Distopian Sci-Fi Adventure Story by Matthew Munsey]
The couple pulled out onto the street before them, and were pulling up to Mannie's not ten minutes later, having spent a lovely car ride affectionately patting each other's bodies, and kissing deeply. sometimes the idea of what seems to be sure and imminent doom can be quite the aphrodisiac. Jack made a mental note to thank Trip for mentioning that elevator bullshit after all. The parking lot was packed. It was so full in fact, that jack thought he saw people forgoing the car tower, and letting their vehicles drive around themselves until they had finished their meals. With a quick look at Barbie, jack saw the unmistakable hint of question, and perhaps even fear in his wife's eyes.
“Hey, I’m sure it’s just a busy night out, nothing to be worried about.”
Just as he had spoken, two things simultaneously occurred. First, the resplendent and dancing sign that had read Mannies for as long as Jack could think to remember, and as consistently as anything to boot, momentarily went black.
The second; a fucking fire ball. Right in front of Jack and Barbies now slowing car, before their very eyes, they saw a small Nissan RelaX, a damn decent car if ever there was one, suddenly propel itself forward at an incredible speed. Before realizing what was happening Jack had time to make just one note to himself, firstly that that sign should not have gone out, and more importantly, that that car was going FAST. Impressively fast. The thought of an accident hadn't so much as crossed jack's mind, that sort of thing never happened, a thing of the history books if ever there was one. So when he saw what he saw next, the small and comfortable Nissan RelaX careen headlong into oncoming traffic, he was stunned. Nothing like this had happened, in what seemed like ever to Jack and Barbie. How could it? It wasn't even possible. Trip had been right after all, something was most certainly amiss.
At once, per her thankfully still functioning protocol, Valera spoke up.
“Not to be a bother Mr. Dean, Mrs., but it appears something is not right. I would suggest we made for home?”
Still in shock from what they had seen, still without having said a word, and without much of an appetite now anyways, Jack and Barbie gave their silent, nodding assent. Seeing this, Valera spun them around and once and they were off.
It seemed to Jack that all of the sudden they were one among thousands. Cars of all shapes and sizes rushed in perfect unison together, turning at once as though their moves were choreographed and speeding off together perfectly, away from the fiery danger now being them. It had all happened so fast. Finally Barbie turned to Jack, and with what may have seemed like a yelp to anyone but her husband, spoke one hushed and hurried word.
It took what felt like only a brief time for Jack and Barbie to return home. Their shock was still coursing through them, leaving them almost catatonic. After Barbie had asked her question, both her and Jack remained silent and just held each other, both of the silently weeping. In this world they were living in, fear was not something one encounter often, it was outdated after all. And to feel this emotion now burned the two lovers so deeply they knew little of what to do about it.
“Jack, honey, I don’t want to take the elevators up.” Barbara spoke suddenly in a terrifyingly small voice.
“We have the car though, sweetheart, we have to at least get Valera upstairs. After we’re on twenty seven we’ll walk from there, okay? Don’t worry, Barbara, we’ll be fine. Everything will be fine.”
Barbie could tell even he didn't fully believe his own words, but feeling it was more comfortable to just believe him than to fight. She agreed that it would be fine.
Ascending the elevator was an unsettling ordeal for the two, to say the least. Not sixty seconds after the doors had closed and the box they were now trapped inside began to raise them, Valera spoke.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Dean, if you would be so kind as to tell me where we would be heading tonight, we will be on the move once. Also, if you would like a beverage before our departure please, as always, do not hesitate to ask.”
Barbara looked, horrified, towards Jack at once. Playing it as cool as he could, Jack simply responded, no. Undeterred though, Valera spoke again.
“Are you quite sure, Sir? You really do look like you could use a drink.”
At this, the ringing sound that signified their arrival on the twenty seventh floor sounded, and Valera was silenced by the sound of grinding metal, as the doors before the car were being pulled open by hidden gears and mechanisms. With a hurried look at one another, Jack and Barbara Dean shot forth from their seats, leaping from the car and into what seemed to be the safest place either of the two could imagine, the stairwell.
“Jack, what the fuck was wrong with her?” Spoke Barbara, as the two watched the now occupant's vehicle before them drive smoothly from the elevator into it’s parking pod.
“I don’t know, Barb, I really don’t… But I don’t think we should be taking any drives any time soon, at least not until this is all figured out.” At that, the two headed down the stairs, side by side, not stopping even once until they reached the safety of their own front door.
“Hey, guys, oh shit thank God you’re ok!” It was Trip, and he was coming at them fast a look of wild relief in his eyes.
“I saw what happened out there man, I was sitting on the balcony and boom! Thought you guys might have gotten cooked, I’m glad you’re alright!” At this Trip embraced the two of them and smiled widely.
“So… What the hell happened down there!?”