in #shortstory7 years ago


Del travels through constellation of stars in his space ship as he heads for Earth, before long however, approximately within 30 minutes, Del’s ship floats over the Earth’s atmosphere, as it hovers across the border of mexico and the united states, the ship lands on the grass covered ground, Del comes out of his vehicle and begins to take a walk, he walks all day, until he gets into a thick forest, he finds a group of young native american men stabbing a bison with spears, Del watches as the bison bleeds to death, Del then proceeds to click a button at the chest area of his suit, which thereafter renders him invisible, Bill cuts a log of wood with an axe, his wife is sitting at a rocking chair, in front of the house knitting, a man riding a horse, approaches Bill’s residence, Bill notices the man approach his compound with his horse, he then takes a log of wood, and splits it in half with his axe, the horse riding man soon stops moving his horse, and gets off the animal, Bill at this time stops chopping wood, the horse riding man, walks towards Bill, “Good day sir” says the man to Bill, “Good day m’am” referring to Bill’s wife; Sarah, Bill and Sarah reply the man in unison “Good morning”, the man reaches for his pocket, he then gets out an envelope which he hands over to Bill, Bill takes it and puts it in his pocket, the man then proceeds to walk away, as he soon gets untop of his horse and rides it away from Bill’s residence. Bill walks towards the front of his house, kissing his wife on the cheek he gets inside the house, and heads for the bathroom, taking of his clothes, he lays on the bath tub filled with water. A group of native American red Indian man whose a chief in his tribe; Apache, converses with another chief from the Kichai tribe, a young apache lady comes out of a tent, with a basket in hand, she heads out to a nearby river, Del who’s invisible watches her as she draws water from the river, Del soon leaves the spot where he stands by teleporting from there to the front of a beer parlour building, he looks at the inscription written on the surface of the building, ORCHARD BEER PARLOUR, Del still invisible walks into the bar, he then proceeds to stand at a corner and observe the people, a young cowgirl gungslinger known as Julie, orders for a big glass of beer, the bartender hands her the drink, she drinks it with content, she orders for another one, by this time a large cow boy gunslinger gets into the bar. The big cow boy gunslinger known as Steve, heads straight for the bar, sitting on a stool next to Julie he orders a beer, staring at her, Julie drinks her beer, “Howdy pretty lady, you look mighty pretty to be dressed in them boots, you’re a gun fighter or something?” he says. “Yes I am” says Julie, dropping the beer glass on the table, she then shifts her attention to him, “You have a job for me” says Julie, “Yes I do” says Steve, “In my pants” he concludes, “If your hand is as smooth as your mouth, maybe I’ll give you what you want” says Julie with a seductive smile on her face, “Is that a challenge little lady” say Steve, “You bet it is, big boy” says Julie, “Be careful what you ask for lady” says Steve, “Are we gonna fight, or are you gonna whine like a pussy” says Julie, “No one calls me a pussy” says Steve with annoyance, “Yeah lady, no one calls Big Steve a pussy” says the bartender, “SHUT UP” says Steve to the bartender, shifting his attention to Julie he continues, “You want a fight you got one”, “Oh shit, gun fight coming y’all” says a man in the bar, Julie walks out of the bar, heading outside, the occupants of the bar, soon gets off their seats, and head outside, Steve soon follows, before long, the Mexican standoff stage is set, Julie and Steve stand distantly from each other, staring, waiting, and anticipating each others move, Julie has a hand by her side, staring at her opponent, a crowd of people stand at the side of the street watching both gun fighters, the minute hand of the big clock ticks, Julie and Steve stare at each other with a battle stance, suddenly the hour hand of the big clock moves, with great speed, both gun fighters, take off their guns, and shoot at each other, Steve has an expression of amusement on his face in form of a smile, which suddenly transfoms into a frown, he then looks at his belly, “Holy shit” he says, as he drops on the floor, knees first, then back to the ground. Julie blows the tip of her pistol with her mouth, then puts the gun at her gun pouch afterwards, everyone present at the Mexican standoff, soon head back to the bar, leaving the corpse of Steve on the floor, Julie moves into the bar as well, the corpse of Steve suddenly teleports from that location to the very location of his space ship, Del suddenly emerges out of the middle of nowhere standing beside the corpse, as he apparently turns off his camouflage mode, he then squats down on one knee, looking at the dead body of Steve, “Poor man” he says. Bill rides on a horse away from the location of his house, heading into the city, he soon gets into the city, steadily strutting across the streets, people, moving to and fro, minding their business, Bill soon stops his horse at a restaurant, he gets off his horse, ties it to a steel post and gets into the building, he finds an empty table with an empty chair, he soon takes a sit, before long, a waitress walks towards, he makes an order, the waiter then leaves, he takes out a small book from his pocket and begins to read, before long, a man walks into the restaurant, the man known as Charles, spots Bill sitting alone reading a book, Charles, moves to where Bill is sitted, he parts him on the back, and sits on an empty sit, just in front of Bill, “Hey buddy” says Charles, “What’s up?” says Bill dropping his book on the table, shifting his attention to Charles, “I’m good” says Charles, the waitress from earlier soon returns, with a tray, untop the tray, is a plate filled with hot food and a glass of beer, the waitress puts the plate of food and glass of beer on the table, Charles makes an order to the waitress, the waitress then leaves, “So how’s the fan?” says Charles, “The farm is good, I’m doing well, business is good as usual, sarah is good, my home is peaceful and tidy, no intruders on my lawn, wouldn’t have it any other way” says Bill, eating his food , “Good to hear” says Charles with a smile on his face, Charles and Bill begin to discuss while Bill eats his food, the waitress stops by, dropping a plate of food, and a glass of beer, in front of Charles, the waitress then walks away, the two men discuss while eating their meals. Del whose dressed in the clothes of Steve, with Steve’s hat on his head, takes a walk across the street, the half nude corpse of Steve on his shoulder, people stare at Del, some of them pointing at him, amazed at his feat of strength, carrying a seemingly dead robust body with ease, and at the same time, some people especially women, not only are astonished by his magnificent exhibition of strength, but also admire his beauty, for Del is a tall man with dark brown hair and handsome features, a dog barks at Del, who suddenly looks into the eyes of the dog, the dog soon keeps quiet, as it cowers in fear. Del walks all the way out of the city, deep into the woods were wild animals dwell, he soon drops the corpse on the floor, there he sights a grizzly beer approaching him, Del moves towards the bear, but the bear runs away, “Come back, I won’t hurt you” says Del, the bear soon summons courage and crawls towards Del, Del strokes the animals head, “You’re a marvelous beast” says Del, with a smile on his face, “I wouldn’t eat that if I were you” says Del, referring to the dead body on the floor, “I’ll ensure you don’t do that” he continues, taking out a lighter, he proceeds to set Steve’s corpse on fire. He stares at the corpse as it burns. It’s nightfall, the full moon glows bright in the sky, Del soon stands in front of a hotel building, staring at the structure, he soon gets into the hotel, taking a sit In the reception, the receptionist notices him and begins to stare at him with awe, Del notices her too, but chooses to ignore her, taking a newspaper he sees on the table, and begins to read, before long, Julie then walks into the building, Del shifts his attention from the newspaper he’s reading to look at Julie as she walks down the hall, Julie also notices Del, their eyes meet, as she moves towards the receptionist, she then gets the key to her room, taking it from the receptionist, as she walks up the stairs, heading for her apartment, Del soon gets up from his sit, heading straight for the receptionist, he looks her straight in the eye, hypnotizing her “I want a room” says Del, “You got it” says the receptionist, giving him a key, he takes the key and eventually gets into a room, he looks at the room for a short while, he then closes the door, and lays on the bed.
To be continued


Wow! I really enjoyed this story! @kemaemina Well done. Can't wait for the next part!

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