Inktober 2017 Prompt Hijack - Squeak

“Don't say squeak out loud!” he said.

“But I squeaked!” she said, doing just that.

“Yes, but, you just do the thing, you don’t- Nevermind,” he sighed. "Not important right now."

She jumped up and down, flailing her arms.

“Well? What will it be?” he asked.

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I have to tweet this!” she yelped and fished out her phone.

“Babe, you’re killing me down here.”

“Wait, just one second. I have to send this out to Tina, and Judy, and-”

“Babe! Remember when we said I’d tell you when you went off in tangents?”

“Yeah, yeah, hold on, I have to find the right filter for this.” She fumbled with her phone.

He sighed, and swapped knees to shift his weight.

“There. Sent. They’ll be sooo jealous,” she said, catting the words.

He coughed, loudly.

“Yes, right babe, sorry. Where were we?”

He nodded as he repeated each word. “Will you marry me?”


He threw his arms in the air. “Oh, for fu-”

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