My Atupa must Shine -- A short African Story

in #shortstory5 years ago


The day was old, and jumanji had only his atupa. Baba was yet to return from the farm that day and had warned him not to leave the hut, jumanji could hear voices from the bush path but couldn't comprehend what was being said. Baba had told Jumanji that he was a cursed child who took his mother’s life in place of his, Baba was all that mattered to him, Baba is like the flame of my Atupa. I picked up my Atupa and ventured into the evil forest with so much uncertainties in my heart.
Jumanji had journeyed into the thick forest that night in search of Baba. He came across a very old hut and hid himself behind a tree, he saw three elderly men forming a circle round about a young man.

“where was your popped wisdom at your youth?”, your silence has contributed to this doom age, you ran at the echoes of gunshots, always wobbling and pant half way down the length of your knees, sandals at hands, calm and firmly. You couldn’t muscle up the strenght and boldness, there was no strength and vision for the cowardice hearts always roped to fear.
Jumanji could hardly comprehend who was speaking but he knew it was the young man at the centre that was being questioned.

Just then he felt a hand grab him from behind saying...
“you shouldn’t be here child”, Baba said in an angry tone. The answers you seek would be the death of you”... said Baba to Jumanji.

The sound of a flute is heard denoting the demise of a fallen hero, Baba signaled to Jumanji to hide himself as the three elderly men left for the palace after they have slain the prisoner.

“Child, look at the flames of that atupa in your hand, it is been protected from the wind that is suppose to make it bigger by the globe. You are like that flame and if exposed too much to the wind, you will die”.

Jumanji couldn’t understand what Baba had said, he had so many questions he wanted to ask; who were those men?,What secret were they trying to hide that made them kill the young man?, why are we not going to the palace to pay respects to the fallen king?. He knew he had to be patient for Baba words are like parables.

“The heat of the oven is different from the heat felt from pepper spice, hope that the moon comes with a dream for you. You know not what you seek”, Baba said as he made his way home as Jumanji hurriedly followed behind.

Baba got home only to see that his hut has been ransacked.
“this must be the work of Ajoche’s men”... he whispered under his breath as he hurried back to the palace not noticing Jumanji who was still following him behind. Jumanji has never been to the palace before, infact his birth and existence has been a secret to the royal family. Baba was about to speak when Jumanji’s voice echoed from behind saying,

“ I seek an audience with the elders”, he continued with great boldness”,
“An audience with the elders is a death warrant,this is not your call. what effrontery have you muscled to sought for the tribal chiefs?, what figure of sense have you learnt from your studies? I see that you have been hoodwinked by this education you have acquired. Whose son might you be?” One of the elders spurted out in anger.

“JUMANJI!! Stop!” Baba yelled as he tried to shut him up.
“Baba I can’t”... jumanji standing beside Baba as he refused to bow as a sign of honour to the tribal chiefs.
“Don’t be deceived by the mystery flute of the education you have got, you are a descendant of sky’s wisdom, have you no shame at all to see that the breath of sky’s wisdom detours your skull? Come out of that stinking filth”...Baba cautioned.
“I am no sky’s descendant, I belong to nobody”, Jumanji cuts in.

Baba couldn’t believe that the cub has grown to become a fully grown lion. Baba still looking shocked as it dawn on him that the cub has truly grown to become a lion, baba shouts

“Blasphemy! Blasphemy!”.. He knelt down and sprawls his hands to the sky, he recites some tribal chants and then...
“He says look not unto the sins of my son but on the faithfulness of your sanctuary oh sky’s teeth. This breed of yours had been away for long, six years in desert seeking the comfort for your children we thought it was the ideal thing to do and I allowed Jumanji to journey into sophic path, now he has seen salvation in himself. Do not cast your eyes of wrath on him but temper justice with mercy, he shall return to you”.
Jumanji was beginning to get irritated and wondered what baba feared.

“Do you enjoy being the martyr of sufferings than seek the thrones of freedom?” asked Jumanji.
“I cant continue in this quagmire while my unborn generation will stagger in the litany of sufferings and untimely death that awaits them”. Baba immediately shut him up with a slap, “it's your demise you are looking for”.
Baba drags Jumanji away before the guards were ordered to lock him up, I wonder where you got such courage to challenge my authority and that of the elders.

“You didn’t even think it was necessary to ask for my opinion before you pulled your stunt”, Baba said after they had gone far away from the palace.
“would it have made any difference?”, jumanji looking disappointed.
“When a child dreams of emptying a river with a basket, he shall be silenced before he perpetuate himself with cowardice, oh spirits of my ancestors, where are you? Let your muster strength carry this pot of grief away before it falls and breaks, take it far away so I can rest”, Baba said in a weak voice as he shakes his head.
“you being a parable connoisseur is what birthed my waywardness”, you never explain things so that I might understand”, jumanji said as he ran back to the hut.

Baba got back to the hut and started packing, we must leave this village before dawn said Baba. Jumanji who was about to object swallowed words when he began to notice baba’s hands shivering.

“I am sorry Baba” said Jumanji as he bowed to baba as a sign of repentance and promised to seek forgiveness from the tribal chiefs.
“You shall not do such thing” baba said raising Jumanji to take a seat on the wooden stool.
“Jumanji, my child...listen carefully to the things am about to say to you”, Baba takes a deep breath.

He knew a day like this would come when he would eventually tell Jumanji everything about his birth and why he has chosen to hide him from the villagers. He knew jumanji would ask questions as he is a very intelligent child so he lied that jumanji was a cursed child.

“Jumanji, my child, I am not your father”, baba could see shock in his eyes.
“Yes, you are of royal blood, jumanji”. Many years ago the late king had met with a maid working in the palace and she got pregnant for him, the king knew that if Ajoche his eldest chief found out about it, he would order for the assassination of your mother. Ajoche had his suspicion so he asked that your mother be killed, I kamil was given the task to kill your mother but I brought her here, she died after she had you and made me promised to never reveal the true identity to you because it will put you in grave danger”.

Burn it! Burn down the hut, kill everyone you find inside the hut, Baba could recognize the voice roaring from outside and he knew it was Ajoche. Baba handed an old cotton to Jumanji and ordered him to flee through the back door to the neighbouring village. I shall return Baba, Jumanji said with gnashed teeth as he reluctantly fled through the back exit. Many years had passed and Ajoche had taken reign after the demise of the last king, his tyranny had amassed him great wealth at the detriment of the villagers. Jumanji had found favour before the sight of King shaka of Zulu kingdom after he had saved his daughter from a mysterious ailment was restless upon hearing about the tyranny of Ajoche.

Jumanji up until now concealed his identity to the Zulu people for the fear that they might not accept him because of Ajoche’s tyranny and now that he massacre the people of the Zulu kingdom that resides in his village. Fate smiled on Jumanji when the king instructed him to be part of the envoy that would journey to Achala kingdom in order to settle the disputes amongst both kingdoms. The king could only trust the safety of the princess with Jumanji considering how much he loves his daughters.
Upon entering the village, Jumanji could barely recognize a thing, how time flies and how things have changed so much. The princess rode on a horse while the guards and maidens followed suit on foot, just then they passed by a mad man saying...

“what use is man’s normalcy?” when your acts are verbless, always abash with dreadful amen from an uneven prayers. What use is man’s normalcy, when unblinking darkness saturates and foreshadows the future? I was there when they would say blood instead of water, suddenly if we think we would rust and remain rusted.[he goes to the princess] where was your manhood? These beautiful eyes couldn’t stare enough vision to empty the shortsightedness of our dear polity. [ he turns to a maid] and you see how protruding and rich your breasts are, oh! You don’t know they could turn away the attentions of Achala’s dictators?. Your sublime beauty was and would be of no use again. [he goes to jumanji] see how your tomorrow was raped, there is no whoosh of strength in your tendon. Hahahaha, see as fears gripped your faces, what use is man’s normalcy? No use at all, I remain abnormal and courageous hahahahah, when will your light shine? Hahahaha, he continues to laugh away towards the bush path, the princess could sense the awkward look on Jumanji’s face, she asked if he knew what that was all about. No, my princess, jumanji answered flapping the horse from behind before the princess would ask more questions.

They arrived at the palace that evening and were given warm welcome by the tribal chiefs. Food and drinks were brought to them just to entertain them. Jumanji ordered the guards to eat but not drink as they have to be fully at alert to protect the princess at all cost. He took a little stroll around the palace to check if Ajoche had something up his sleeves. He came across a heavy guarded cage but couldn’t clarify who or what was locked up in the cage because it was already dark by that time. He hurried back to meet the princess as he led her to her resting place so she can get a good rest.

“you have had a long day my princess”, He said with a sleek smile…”you should rest now”.
“Would you lie with me if I asked you to?” The princess cuts in.
“may the gods forbid that I go against my king and commit such abomination”...jumanji said retrieving three steps backward as the princess attempted to touch him.
“What a sweet man, I envy your loyalty to my father”, she said as she made her way to her hut.

“I greet you people of Achala’s kingdom. It is no matter of triviality that I have gathered you here today, for we have been summoned here so as to seek a way forward towards the unity of our tribe and that of Zulu kingdom. And to contribute to the growth of the entire Human race. I seize this opportunity to welcome the brave princess Karina and the people of Zulu kingdom, we all know the rhapsody in karina’s guts, she is a woman of steel and this has made her journey down for a resolution to the dispute between our tribes. It remains to be seen that shes willing to offer for peace to reign, hahahahha”... Ajoche’s voice roared and the people of Achala who has been favoured by his tyranny blew whistles and screamed his name. ‘jumanji couldn’t understand what mind games Ajoche was trying to play”. He takes a closer step to the princess but she ordered him to retreat.

“Freedom, my dear friends and comrades, freedom is what integrates me, I have seen how farmished we are to succeed, to lead a good life. I have seen how we suffer to incredibly suck the milk even on the chest of our mothers, we have sexed with lives luring gnares and snares, we have consummated with every trade offering seductive dreams, yet we returned empty like weak hunters and we exist in the carrion of gurgling wealth. [she stand in front of a boy and placed her hands jauntily on the shoulders of the boy] three things my good friend have waylaid us”.

“Our antiquity has it that Shaka and Zulu were used to maintaining decorum between people, families, clans who are in a feud with each other, it was used to defeating enemies in wars and lastly, it was used for social stratification and edification.... How about now?”.
Whispers went on as everyone merried hoping this partying would birth light amongst the people of Shaka and Zulu, magicians and swords men performed to entertain the people, silence enveloped everywhere as the cage was brought to the square ground. Jumanji might have left home for some years but he can never forget the hands that raised him. Baba! Jumanji couldn’t risk exposing his identity as he stood behind princess Karina.

“The heat of the oven is different from the heat felt from pepper spice”, jumanji could now understand what baba meant. He couldn’t fight against the tribal chief until he had something which is POWER!, Ajoche’s voice roared as he jolted jumanji’s thoughts.

Baba’s eyes has been removed and he was now used to amuse the tribal chiefs, his chains were removed and a pot of food was placed before him, each time baba move his hands towards the plate, it was moved to a different location, this continued and the people cheered and mocked baba. Jumanji slowly moved his hands to his sword as baba moved closer to him, He jumps at baba and placed the sword right at his neck.

“toying with a blind man is not power but cowardice”, jumanji said as he challenges Shaka’s best warrior to a fight.

The princess wasn’t sure this was part of the plan but she knew whatever jumanji did was done for a reason. Ajoche looked at jumanji and said, this would be fun, he said as he signals the invitation of Mbutu. Baba, it’s me jumanji, hang in there a little longer, I shall come back for you and pay Ajoche back in his own coin”, Baba couldn’t be more happier not for his freedom but for the return of Shaka’s light
The stage was set, Everyone gathered around to watch the fight between Jumanji and Mbutu, both bowed to the tribal chiefs and Princess karina, jumanji wasn’t the best swordsman infact he was a better archer and his scared princess karina. The fight commenced and Mbutu who quite huge and fierce attacked Jumanji. No weapons were allowed as this was considered a friendly duel. Mbutu carried and tossed jumanji about with ease. Jumanji struggled to cope with his pace, mbutu tore jumanji’s leather jacket in the process of lifting him tore which expose his birth mark. Ajoche stood up in shock on seeing his birthmark, he recognized it as the late king had a similar birthmark.

“could this be Jumanji?” Ajoche wasn’t ready to gamble with his position at stake.
“This is too boring, we need to see some blood to spice things up, this has to become a fight to the death”, he said as he ordered weapons to be given to the warriors, princess karina could sense something fishy but couldn’t figure out why Ajoche would change the rules of the fight so suddenly.

Punches upon punches landed on Jumanji’s face mbutu pulled him to his feet, almost tearing the collar, he heard the slight rasp of material ripping. This was it, one more punch and Jumanji would be left fighting for his dear life. Baba couldn’t see but felt it. He felt jumanji’s helplessness, just as mbutu was about to stab Jumanji,...STOP, Ajoche ordered as he was simply enjoying the whole scenario. He gave Jumanji an option, kill Baba and live or you both die. Ajoche wanted to be sure if this man before him was jumanji.

“why are you a sting to unreasoning?” are you not tired of deities demanding human blood as sacrifices? How much bloodshed do we have to experience before we come back to our senses?” Princess Karina spurted out in anger as she was beginning to get angered by Ajoche’s tyranny.
Warriors from Zulu were already armed and ready to fight if things went sour.
“be calm little fox”. This warrior is a warrior of Zulu kingdom but first a descendant of Shaka’s kingdom. Jumanji helped himself up realizing his cover head as been blown and Ajoche now knows his true identity, this warror is a descendant and a loyal warrior of Zulu kingdom, I won’t be enervated by your assumptions,Princess Karina protested. “ assumptions you say hahahaha” Ajoche let out hysterical laughter, be my guest to see where his loyalty lies little fox.
“Do I fall to my knees and seek for mercy so as to save Baba’s life? Do I save baba and put Princess karina in grave danger? It was chaotic in jumanji’s mind. the little flame of the atupa has been exposed to a great wind and it risk being ousted”.

“See how your tomorrow was raped, there is no whoosh of strength in your tendon, hahahaha, see as fear gripped your faces. What use is man’s normalcy?”... The words of the mad man echoed in jumanji’s thoughts.
Truly there is no whoosh of strength in the tendon. Jumanji fell to his knees and roared at the top of his voice.
“if I pierce my sword through the heart of this helpless man, would that signal truce between our kingdoms? Would that shealth our tribal afflictions?”
“I give you my word, let the earth be witness to my promise that if you do as I have commanded, Shaka and Zulu will be at peace again”, Ajoche roared as the crowd continues to cheer and whistle.
“My son, I will die by your sword a thousand times than fall by the sword of Another. It is time for me to go and see your mother and tell her wonderful tales about how strong our son had become”, Baba wept in his thought for he understood perfectly. Jumanji has to sacrifice his life for the greater cause of human race, jumanji couldn’t fight back the tears as he walk towards Baba with his sword. “ I am sorry Baba” do not be sorry child, baba cuts in...

Jumanji never spoke a word all through the journey back to Zulu kingdom, weeks passed and he still couldn’t get over the trauma. Princess karina had explained in details to the king everything that happened but yet couldn’t figure out why Baba’s death deeply affected jumanji, he barely spoke nor eat for weeks. The king went to Jumaji’s hut that night and just as he entered, he saw the birthmark behind jumanji’s neck.

“gods of my ancestors” you are a royal descendant! ,jumanji looked shocked as he rose to acknowledge the king.
“My king, what brings you to my humble abode?”.

The king recognized the birthmark very well as he was close friend with the late king.
“Your father asked me to search for Kamil, he wanted to bring you down to Zulu and raise you as my own, I sent my guards to the place where kamil had raised you but realize everywhere has been burnt down and my guards told me kamil has been killed. I never knew fate would still bring you to my home”.
Jumanji by this time had already broken down with tears.
“ I killed him!, I killed him with my own bare hands”.
Cry my child, let it all out. You’ve kept those pains within you for so long. The king ordered that jumanji be well fed as he has not eaten anything for days. The king gave Jumanji an army and order that he pacify his heart with Ajoche’s blood and free the people of Shaka from his tyranny.
“Go my child" for it is time for your atupa to shine.


(Atupa means light).

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