Winter Solstice - Short Day, Short Films
Today is the shortest day of the year. The actual moment of winter solstice was December 22nd 0:23.
I'd like to celebrate the fact that from now on sun will rice a little bit earlier and set a little bit later, with few short movies.
So get your popcorn and snacks ready, or perhaps you prefer something stronger?
Coffee and...
Key Lime Pie?
Have you met the maker?
It's really important to be in time.
Building something.
Do you like worms?
Let's take a short bathroom break.
Did you meet the Smooshies in the toilet?
Life is short and then you die.
Do you want to know what Amy is afraid of? For some, home isn't the best place to be...
Is there something inside you that wants to get out?
A love story.
Playground is a dangerous place.
And something light, as the end is near.
Happy Christmas everybody!