Backward London

in #short7 years ago

Alison Jones had always loved backward London with its zealous, zany zoos. It was a place where she felt concerned.

She was a delightful, intuitive, cocoa drinker with wide eyebrows and curvaceous eyelashes. Her friends saw her as a fried, friendly friend. Once, she had even helped a shredded disabled person cross the road. That's the sort of woman he was.

Alison walked over to the window and reflected on her damp surroundings. The snow flurried like jumping donkeys.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Shane Wu. Shane was an articulate saint with ginger eyebrows and brunette eyelashes.

Alison gulped. She was not prepared for Shane.

As Alison stepped outside and Shane came closer, she could see the vigorous smile on his face.

"I am here because I want a fight," Shane bellowed, in an adorable tone. He slammed his fist against Alison's chest, with the force of 8444 pigeons. "I frigging love you, Alison Jones."

Alison looked back, even more confident and still fingering the tiny torch. "Shane, beam me up Scotty," she replied.

They looked at each other with stressed feelings, like two thoughtful, tiny tortoises partying at a very incredible wedding, which had trance music playing in the background and two kind uncles shouting to the beat.

Alison regarded Shane's ginger eyebrows and brunette eyelashes. She held out her hand. "Let's not fight," she whispered, gently.

"Hmph," pondered Shane.

"Please?" begged Alison with puppy dog eyes.

Shane looked angry, his body blushing like a kindly, kind kettle.

Then Shane came inside for a nice mug of cocoa.


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