Short Story: Capitalism Vs. Capitalism, When Good Deeds Overcome Greed

in #short7 years ago

There once was a story of a young man who worked for a Car Wash. This young man was quite bright, hard working, and was keen at getting the best payout for his hard work. He was raised to hustle, and to account for every penny. One week, this young man was saving up for a project. The project had a cost of about $500, but the young man only had $485. So he went to his boss at the Car Wash and asked, "sir, im saving up for something special and well, i only have $485, I'm short $15", so the boss offered him a deal. Since it was the weekend, and the Car Wash was closed on weekends, the Boss let the boy open on Saturday, with the exception that what ever he earned from the Car Wash that day was his to keep.

Later in that day, the boy knew he had limited time to make up the change. Two cars came in for $4 each. A total of 3 cars for a total of $12 dollars. It was getting time to close up, but the boy needs one more sale to make enough for his project. It was hour to closing time and one car came by. When the driver pulled up and winds down the window, he says "Hey, sorry for pulling in so close to closing time but, i need this car washed and i only have $3. Would you mind?", and routinely the boy responds, "sorry, we have a Flat Price Policy, full amount or none at all", so the driver looks a little frustrated and smiles, "thats ok, it's no big deal", and begins to turn around. The boy realizes how slow its been and yells, "Wait! Alright, ill make an exception". So the driver pulls back in and washes his car. The young boy gets $3 more dollars and is now up to $500. He doesnt feel too good about breaking the policy, and doesn't look forward to telling his Boss on Friday next week. However, he now has enough funds to pay for his Project. He puts the $3 in his left back pocket and continues waiting, but no more cars stop by so he closes shop.

On Monday, the young man heads to the an admins office to file for his Project. He walks in and hands in his project papers to the manager. As the manager looks over his papers, he notifies the young man his project looks good. He then gets out some filing papers and fills them out. Shortly after the manager asks if he has ebough for the project. The young man, confident reaches into his right pocket and pulls out cash, and hands it to the manager. The Manager smiles and takes the cash, and begins counting. Time passes, a minute or two and the smile from the manager fades, and he says, "this is not enough". The young man's eye brows raise and to his surprise, he's short by $3. So the young boy searches his shirt pockets and pants frantically for some extra change he must have forgotten, but couldnt find it. He asks the manager if he could please just make up the short, its just $3, but the manager says, "We have a Flat Price Policy. No if's, and's, or but's. We don't budge on our Policy".

So the boy goes back to his car and tries searching. He notices his own car isnt too clean and then he remembers, over that weekend, the man who gave him only $3 instead of $4. He reaches into his back left pocket and finds the change. He goes back inside the office, where again smiles. He hands him the $3, and accounts a total of $500 for his project. The manager smiles and shakes the young mans hand and says, "well, this will do. We have quotas and deadlines, and lucky for you, you just arrived as we were closing. We wouldnt have been able to register your project if you arrived a few minutes later, and every penny counts. Its just good business. But i have this in our registry, that is all we need". The young man thanks the manager and goes on about his day.

He realized that if he were not as kind as to bend a policy in favor of a good deed, perhaps he would not have been able to fund his project. In a capitalist society where money makes the world go round, a good deed may always have good effects on those who make room for heart, over maximum profit.

The End.

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