Journey to the Center of the Self

in #short-stories9 years ago (edited)

A wide-open vista appeared to be fraught with memories, fantasies, illusions and visions…hovering within and without the woman’s field of vision. Unsure of the light hissing sounds all around she proceeded forward into what appeared to be a luminescent desert. Ahead in the distant through the mirage of heat a form appeared in the shape of a small silver gateway emanating refractions that seemed to pull her closer. As she walked toward the gateway the hissing turned to a low, emanating hum that bathed her nervous system with a calm.

Close now to the portal she realized it was a mirror of light and she saw her reflection walk to what appeared to be some sort of a door. She looked at herself then her mirror image slowly reached up her hand in greeting. She met eyes with herself and recognized a part of herself she never knew. A wise, loving being full of compassion.

“You are ready to begin the journey. You are pure awareness and will return to this realization. You will begin by recognizing local awareness.” The mirror self dissolved and appeared in her place beautifully lettered words appeared on the mirror.

Level 1 ~ Thinking Mind
Level 2 ~ Translucent Mind & Membrianic Light Body
Level 3 ~ Alert-Alive Mind.
Level 4 ~ Multi-Level Mind
Level 5 ~ Mind of the Loving Heart

Her voice continued. “You will proceed through the five levels. You are now at Level 1, Thinking Mind. It is identified with the contents of itself. All your hopes, dreams, fears and beliefs exist at this level.”

The woman began to be filled with thought and emotion. A silver screen appeared in the air before her. Projected onto this screen was a condensed timeline of what she thought was her life. Significant events, traumas, moments of happiness while the feelings associated with these scenes floated in and out of her.

The mirror self continued, “Like a wave in the ocean, you are localized in your perception yet de purlieus and begin the journey. This part of you recognizes Level 1 intimately but can detach itself from Level 1 and perceive artlessly like a soft arrow, traversing breadthwise across the expanse of your being.”

Slowly the portal moved to her and then through her. She began walking on a shimmering pathway seemingly knowing what direction to go without having to know where she was going. She then stopped moving. The knowingness began to travel within her and she knew herself from within. Her awareness traveled outside of her head down her neck and throughout her body. She rose up into the air. She assumed a seated, comfortable cross legged position as if she were floating on a cloud. She knew herself as a gentle observer of all that had arisen in her thinking mind. She knew her body from the inside and energy abounded. She was now at Level 2, Translucent Mind & Membrianic Light Body.

Her memories began to dissolve. Her localized sense of awareness began to sense a sense of spaciousness and she understood that this spaciousness is a part of herself. All around and within was pure space and she was aware that it had no end. This was Level 3, Alert-Alive Mind. No forms or thoughtforms existed at this level although it was if she could witness them in her localized mind from this open sky of awareness back to the contents of her local mind from a state of ultimate rest and comfort.

A merging began to take place. She was shifting into Level 4. Alert and alive awareness remained spacious and primary but also knew itself as inherently within, including the alive energy in the body and seeing from the very translucent mind. Now at the level of multi-level mind in emptiness there was nothing yet everything, a richness of experience that had no bounds, and an elegance of recognizing distinguishable effects.

A sense of joy permeated her being as she now knew that her previous focus on Level 1 as who she was was false. But she felt no guilt or shame over this. She felt no sense of lost time or opportunities. Understanding herself as a multi-dimensional being she was bathed in love. Her personal history had been a figment of her imagination but none of that mattered now. Interpersonal conflicts no longer held any power over her and she was free.

As the final shift into Mind of the Loving Heart, Level 5, slowly opened she knew all from a heart full of love. All distinguishing of any effects of separation dissolved. Nothing existed but Oneness. Expansion was the movement and she was still yet flying through space at the same time. All levels collapsed into this ground of being. Time did not exist so she did not know how long she remained here.


She began to move backwards through the levels. Elegant distinction, witnessing mind, aliveness and awakeness, inner knowing and energy and finally, localized awareness traveled until it shifted back into thinking mind. The portal moved back through her and she was again standing on the vista.

Something had changed. Her heart felt full. Her previous feelings of separateness were replaced with feelings of well-being and interconnectedness with all. No longer feeling conflicted she knew from heart mindfulness and a gentleness overcame her speech and actions. All people and things were included as a field of love and wisdom.

Mirror self appeared in the gateway and spoke. “This is only the beginning. You will return here again and again. You will continue to merge. You will learn the ways of pure awareness and you will teach them to others for the 5 Levels exist in everyone. You will create a new existence on Earth led from the ground of your being and will continue until all are liberated.”

The desert vista disappeared. She was standing in the park. The sun was shining and children were laughing. People were sharing conversation, food and drink and she walked ahead.

In the flow of ordinary life.

@soulsistashakti is a chillout and dance musical artist and writer based in NYC. You can check out my music on my FB artist page at

Video credit: Beautiful Ambient Space Music | Part 3 Andrew Rader



Well @soulsistashakti that sounds like someone who has been enlightened:)) Which can be hard to describe.., but you painted a beautiful picture with your words, making it easily understandable and unmistakable. CHEERS!

It is natural and everyone's birthright. Thank you! :)

I love floating in the blissful state you write about. It makes it so much easier to handle things when the portal moves you out of the desert.

Yes it does Ann. :)

Looks like we think (and write) in similar ways! Would you mind if I used one of your tracks as part of one of my StoryTrax episodes?

If you are referring to the ambient music video I credit the person at the bottom of the page so you can find his work on youtube. He mixes different ambient artists. I don't do ambient I do lounge and chillout, more soulful :)

PS if you are talking about any music on my FB page go for it just tag me so I can read your story! :)

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