Government Loves Mass Shootings

in #shooting7 years ago (edited)


I know, that sounds cruel. Maybe I should say instead, government loves to exploit mass shootings, especially Democrats.

Why? Because they then have yet another opportunity to come up with expensive “solutions” that are not solutions, just an excuse to spend more money.

And rob us of our natural rights.

Forget the Second Amendment. It’s there to be abused. Instead, focus on your right as a human to protect yourself and your family. It’s a right you were born with and the government hates it.

Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff know outlawing firearms will not prevent violence. It’s simply an excuse to further extend their tyrannical control over you. If they were sincerely interested in stopping violence, they’d get the hell out of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Niger, Somalia, etc., where they are killing thousands of innocent people, as innocent as those students in Florida.

Government is violence. It’s simple as that.

If you don’t believe me, try not paying “your” taxes, or consuming plants the government has outlawed. Try growing vegetables in your front yard or collecting rain water. Try going off the grid or refusing a smart meter on your private property. Resist tickets, fines, levies, property taxes, and see what happens. You’ll end up in a cage—or worse, dead.

The government’s war on drugs has killed more people than any number of unhinged lunatics.

For the next week or two, we will be subjected to another round of incessant fear mongering and draconian solutions. It happens every time some psychopath goes off the deep end and kills people.

“As a parent, it scares me to death that this body doesn’t take seriously the safety of my children, and it seems like a lot of parents in South Florida are going to be asking that same question later today,” said Democrat Chris Murphy.

Mr. Murphy, that’s your responsibility.

If you want to protect your children from “gun violence,” remove them from government schools.

It’s our responsibility to protect our families. The police can’t do it and they say as much.


Great article Kurt. Hegel is a deity of the elite

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