Florida Shooting Hoax - The CLAMPDOWN IS ON! FULL CENSORSHIP IN EFFECT EVERYWHERE... #fakenewsreport

in #shooting7 years ago

The dragnet is out. Hundreds if not thousands are being scrubbed from social media platforms... A full attack on Freedom Of Speech. God help us! I am the most censored channel in youtube history (with over 3000 videos terminated) Support me: https://www.patreon.com/newworldagenda
New World Agenda Links:
STEEMIT: https://steemit.com/@fakenewsreport

Youtube Channels:
Fake News Report TERMINATED BY SCROOGLE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwHU9a4Sgq0mTxPBFd01fdw
New World Agenda TERMINATED BY SCROOGLE (main channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3xHAfZZqbMMWjc1ed1ajow
Supreme Lord Commander: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCABsCi4KoMTp9VcwEG7_pyA
Free Radio Revolution Revival TERMINATED BY SCROOGLE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl-03iQuVIb66oZDMCvFAzA
Free Radio Revolution Uncensored TERMINATED BY SCROOGLE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIloSv-wrTOPppr6U9JL6aA
Younow: https://www.younow.com/SupremeLordCommander
New World Agenda Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/newworldagenda
Free Radio Revolution: https://www.facebook.com/Free-Radio-Revolution-118389281849019/timeline/
Twitter: @freeradiorevolu

▶️ DTube

As per solution maybe it is worth reminding the Army of its duty to protect the Constitution from any enemy foreign or domestic. Not sure we can personally do much with all the censorhip. They're going to confine us in echochambers, unless a technology emerges to reinstate freespeech. So far so good on Steemit/Dtube but I have doubts....for example if some powerful whale decides to downvote a video to 0 the video disappears from dtube and on Steemit it becomes grayed out/unreadable.

@lavater, I have had lots of videos disappear from my archive lately. I had 45 there but now only around 15 are showing. I'm wondering if maybe they are being downvoted and hidden. Do you have an link that you can possibly share on the hiding videos aspect of downvoting. I would definitely like to figure out if that is what is happening to my vids. Any help is truly appreciated as I couldn't find any info on the subject.

Indeed looks like the Crisis Actors were bait for a complete purge of truthers from the main social networks, and I'm under no illusion that the purge won't arrive here too.
Regarding Flat Earth I'm still on the fence (I've not researched it enough), but I know anything we've been shown by NASA and ISS is CGI and fakery. Same goes for the fake Moon landing. I know the Flat Earth Society and a few youtubers are indeed controlled opposition....but not every flat earther is a shill.

I've seen the ISS fly over with my own eyes. It was actually an ironic stroke of luck hahaha, one of the few clear nights I had my telescope out and was looking.

I've seen the ISS fly over with my own eyes. It was actually an ironic stroke of luck hahaha, one of the few clear nights I had my telescope out and was looking.

What about the Astro-nots clowns supposedly in the ISS. Undeniably using CGI and film-making tricks.

Satellites do exist within the exosphere but I doubt very much they carry anyone on board.

Research Compression Artifacts. The Flat Earth is a shill operation that I exposed years back. They use compression artifacts to 'prove' fakery. Why would Nasa leave that in? It's because the video is being streamed and compressed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compression_artifact

not many of those mishaps can be explained by compression, there's even wire harnesses exposed in that video. And it's mainly in the Live events that they have such fuckups. Nasa and ISS fake a lot of stuff, that's undeniable....for what reason I'm still not sure.

Research Compression Artifacts. The Flat Earth is a shill operation that I exposed years back. They use compression artifacts to 'prove' fakery. Why would Nasa leave that in? It's because the video is being streamed and compressed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compression_artifact

I've seen the ISS fly over with my own eyes. It was actually an ironic stroke of luck hahaha, one of the few clear nights I had my telescope out and was looking.

Thanks Jeff, you should make a discord chat for you followers!

Thanks I'm looking into it!

I definitely agree, the fact that things like #CrisisActors was trending on Twatter was the thing that raised my eyebrow. Thanks again Jeff. I am getting pessimistic myself. I have always been awake, and it has been difficult to watch over the years.

Share if you can! Help me get the message out! Thanks everyone!

Resteemed, upvoted and shared to 7000 people on twitter!

Completely agree Jeff, I used to be under the belief of hiding my power level, but I do not care anymore. I'd take social ostracization over the end result of what will happen to all of us when this Jew world order is complete. Mass awakening needs to come in the next 4-8 years too, it's already at hopeless levels. Its sad, but all you can do is continue to keep on trying to wake up others. Thanks Jeff.

One thing I sort of wonder sometimes - what happens to these 'actors' a few years afterwords? Do a some of them come into any significant amount of money? Do they get cushy jobs with nice salaries later down the line? Is there evidence of them being further hired for other questionable events or even hired by questionable organizations for something completely different?

I'm all for keeping an open mind about everything. It is pretty strange that places like CNN and the like are trying to discredit these "conspiracy theories" now, only because they are starting to trend. They've certainly been around for a long time but the mainstream never really said anything about it.

It would make things seem so much more solid, though, if someone would go back and find more evidence of some of the 'crisis actors' of past events. There are so many of these events that it just seems to move from one to the next without any further digging on the past ones to further strengthen these older false flags - which would raise the awareness of all this happening now and in the future.

I've been exposing Crisis Actors for 6 years. I have tons of terminated videos on the topic. They have websites http://crisiscast.com/ and the infamous crisisactors.org which they hide from the internet but is well known and has been exposed numerous times (myself included). They work for these outlets and get cast for different events. Sometimes the same crisis actor is used for different hoaxes like Boston Bombing and Sandy Hook lady!
[Barbara Starr CNN Crisis Actor.jpg]
if you ignore the Barbara Starr (which is probably disinfo) that's definitely the same lady used 3 times for 2 events. A LOT of them are Israeli as well or European. So they can be shuttled around the world to push these narratives. Hope that helps!


That's another really good example. The Greenbergs (guess the tribe). Many Sandy Hook "truthers" try to debunk that but it's a clear Slam Dunk they are the same people...

More info on Greenberg Sexton crisis acting family is here
I worked with him^ (insane media) on We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook.

I saw that Barbara Star one before but not this one. I know that there is a bunch of stuff like this out there, it just goes by so fast that it's hard to take it all in before the next tragedy happens unless I specifically follow all of it and look into it all, like you do. But, if I was to look into this photo, I would see a number of articles debunking these photos as well. They also make good points and provide other photos to prove the differences in all these people. Again, I like to keep an open mind and I don't dive into the research myself besides what information others present on the internet because I'm already skeptical of the mainstream narrative and I don't need to really be convinced, nor am I really into convincing others to the extent that you and others are. So I can see articles linking the similarities and the articles debunking them. To me trying to keep an open mind, it just looks like both sides of the narrative are just throwing photos around and either one could be right. I've also seen video of some university students making Obama, Trump, and Putin having their face and speech controlled by the students so video and photos aren't really solid proof anymore. They should raise questions for sure, but they can't be the only thing out there.

What I'm talking about is evidence besides just photos and videos going back and looking at these 'actors' again. Where are the Phelps' now? Do they still live there, or have they moved? If there children never died, then they would still have them, right? If they were really crisis actors, would they still be playing the part to this day to keep the story going? There must be someone living close enough to find this out fairly easily. These people would be just one example, too. If there are all these 'actors' doing this, surely some of them could be exposed more in depth. Eventually, they would have to stop acting and move on unless they are all living their lives like The Jennings Family for The Americans TV show . Is there times where this has been documented? I've never really seen anything like that if there is.

I don't want you to prove anything to me from past events. I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm always skeptical of the official narrative and I've followed you for more of these interesting videos. I'm just saying, it would be interesting to see the information keep coming a while after the current even passes from all the people trying to expose this kind of stuff.

If the Phelps' couldn't be found or something big like that, that would be a big piece of information to back up the photo wouldn't it? Or maybe they are still living in the same house and going about their daily lives because they are not the same people and that should also solve it. I'm not sure and am open to either way being true.

There's no doubt whatsoever it's the Greenbergs. The debunking is all part of the coverup. Nobody interviewed on Sandy Hook was a legit person. They were all actors playing roles. Look at Nick Phelps and his Ridiculous Newtown hat and scarf: Just total bullshit crisis acting.

Completely agree Jeff, I used to be under the belief of hiding my power level, but I do not care anymore. I'd take social ostracization over the end result of what will happen to all of us when this Jew world order is complete. Mass awakening needs to come in the next 4-8 years too, it's already at hopeless levels. Its sad, but all you can do is continue to keep on trying to wake up others. Thanks Jeff.

Completely agree Jeff, I used to be under the belief of hiding my power level, but I do not care anymore. I'd take social ostracization over the end result of what will happen to all of us when this Jew world order is complete. Mass awakening needs to come in the next 4-8 years too, it's already at hopeless levels. Its sad, but all you can do is continue to keep on trying to wake up others. Thanks Jeff.

Sorry for spam, Dtube didn't show if it posted or not.

It's okay - same thing is happening to me!

Sorry for spam, Dtube didn't show if it posted or not.

Completely agree Jeff, I used to be under the belief of hiding my power level, but I do not care anymore. I'd take social ostracization over the end result of what will happen to all of us when this Jew world order is complete. Mass awakening needs to come in the next 4-8 years too, it's already at hopeless levels. Its sad, but all you can do is continue to keep on trying to wake up others. Thanks Jeff.

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