My Funeral Shoes
I had a nice life.
I accomplished everything my small fluoridated brain could come up with when I was a stupid little kid in a small village in Austria. I have burned the candle on both ends throughout my life. I drank, I smoked, I sexually assaulted anything that did not run away, I became an actor in Hollywood, I got a great wife and more success I ever thought I would have.
I was lucky throughout my life.
Now the good times are coming slowly to an end.
I feel the effects of the toxins in our environment, the results of my life long physical self abuse and the damage done by the parasites who rule us, steal our money, spray us like bugs, manipulate us and make our future increasingly undesirable.
I can't wait to kick the bucket soon.
I am tired of all this bullshit they try to force-feed us. They can f@ck themselves. They should choke on all these foreskins they cut off little babies. They should choke on their money. They should get f@cked themselves by their dumb AI.
I like to get out in style.
So, I am making some nice shoes for my own funeral.
Some pretty “kick the bucket shoes”.
Starting with my favorite last.
This is a highly modified last from the 1930's
I have made quite a few shoes with it, made adjustments and it fits perfectly now.
I also have some remnants of crocodile skin lying around, so I am going to incorporate them into the design.
Since the crocodile skin is pretty soft, I glue it onto some stronger, tougher leather.
Unfortunately I do not own a professional sewing machine. Mine is an old flat table machine from the 1950's and it is quite a challenge to make a decent looking upper.
The uppers are finished. They are now being stretched over the last in a process called “lasting”.
The wet leather gets stretched over the lasts, secured with nails and let dry.
In a process called “welting” a strip of leather gets stitched onto the upper and the insole.
This is how the insole looks like after welting.
The shoes get a metal “shank” and another piece of leather on the heel.
Another piece of leather over the shanks and the inner life of the shoes is finished.
Now the out-sole gets glued onto the insole and a flap is opened to create a channel for a hidden stitching.
The out-sole gets stitched onto the welt.
The heels get attached and the sole gets finished. The stitching is now invisible on the out-sole since it is covered by the flap I had cut.
Some shiny new laces for the new hoofs.
And my “Funeral Shoes” are ready,
They will be safely stored away and not be worn before their big day comes...
And when I finally go to hell, I have something nice to kick Crowley, Clinton, Kissinger, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros, the Pope, the Queen, Satan himself and all these other creeps in the a$$...
Quick, find someone on the street and say "you" and teach him everything you know about making shoes. We need shoemakers, they're a dying br... ehem. They're hard to come by these days! Stay well, pass on your skills, those shoes are beautiful! @ironshield
Thanks mate! Very kind of you!
I understand completely what you're saying..
But damn you will look nice when the big day arrives!
You are talented there, djeez don't know if you do, but I think you should make some more and sell them, they look good!
Thank you!
I'm afraid I don't have it in me to please customers. So I better make them for my own pleasure only :)
Lol, that may actually be a good thing .. you dont dit the system lol :)
Well yes! I think there were times when people did what they did because they loved what they did, and did it for people they knew or loved.
This is how I want to live the rest of my life.
Doing ANYTHING for people you don't know just for some f@cking money is where the corruption begins. I refuse to participate in this dirty game :)
Yes doing things for others because you like to do so is nothing bad, but working for a slave drivers company is.. I am "lucky" to be able to focus on my youngest daughter, and write (yes from home not for a company) while my boyfriend is still (unfortunately) working for a boss (and often feels like a slave)...
What a fabulous talent you have, but I hope you won't use those shoes very soon...
Haha, this is going to be my luckiest day ever, I am ready to put them on anytime :) Thanks for your comment, highly appreciated!
Now thats a fucking post! Lmao. Very nice shoes sir. "Perfect" i would say. I hear ya loud and clear.
LOL. Thank you my friend!
I use to deliver pizzas to an old school shoe shop, pretty interesting place "cash only" :).
Yup, I remember from my childhood these old shoemaker workshops. I loved the smell of leather and glue and specially the ambience of these old craftsmen's places. There are still a few of these places in Vienna, Austria. But the shoes are not affordable. Up to $ 5,000 for a pair...
Nice! Yeah this place had a good smell :) and atmosphere. $5000? Yeah i cant wear shoes unless there that much :D j/k. Probably worth every penny.
Yes, it is somewhat a sad thing. What once was a normal thing, quality shoes hand made to size for the regular folks has now become a luxury item for the filthy rich only. The gojm can run around in cheap synthetic concoctions made by slaves somewhere in China. I would not pay upwards of $3,000 for a pair of custom shoes either. That's one more reason for me to make them myself :)
Yes, truly an amazing skill you have! Makes me want to time travel lol.
Your post gave me some fond memories of my youth, and 'Jimmy the Shoemaker' around the corner from where I lived. The odor of the leather, glue, polish and feet all blended into a single 'new' fragrance returned to mind and my 'olfactory' senses...
He was a kind man who put up with me and my friends hanging around, asking too many questions. Jimmy gave us a broom to sweep the floor, and get us out of his hair. At lunch time, we'd show up to run an errand for him (going to the Deli to get him a sandwich) Our pay were the pennies we got for returning his empty soda bottles, for the refund.
Beautiful looking dead-man shoes, @herrleeb ... you'll have the devil himself envious of those custom flappers...
Thank you my friend! Yup, I was also fascinated by the atmosphere and smell of these old shoemaker workshops when I was a child. Good days...
Yes...they were...
As John Prine so eloquently put it, "Please don't bury me in that cold cold ground." 😎
Full version:
OMFG you turned kicking the bucket into a wonderful fun post packed full with truth, my only regret is I upvoted this only 50 % before reading it, otherwise this was f-cking bang on 100% worth of value, keep smiling my friend and as my father probably would have said, had I been old enough to remember him, "don't let the bastards get you down"
Thank you so much my friend. Your nice comment means much more to me than a few pennies.
As we get older we find out that true value has nothing to do with money. This is what the f@cking cabal will never know. But WE do. And THAT makes us superior to them, they can NEVER get us down to their level. They should choke on all their money, power and foreskins they stole from other people. We win in spirit.
Wait until you get a load of my post later today lol, I have a feeling sir may well laugh his head off and love it.
The shoes are beautiful, @herrleeb. A work of art. I want to make my own shoes someday, or have shoes made for me. Not this go to the store and buy them business. Shoes that were made well and made for my feet. I have been thinking that copying my moccasins wouldn't be that hard. I just need to find the time to do it, like so many other things.
Thank you for taking the pictures of the process and for the walk through.
Before I go, do you enjoy reading? I have a suggestion is all. I've mentioned it a few times before to others on here, maybe you've seen. I don't believe I've mentioned it to you, I apologize for repeating if I have, but do you know the book Jewish Eugenics, by John Glad? It was one that provided me many answers to questions I've had about so much that is going on. It helped me understand some of the maybe why for several things we can see being normalized. And why so much of the mad science.
Since your shoes are done, maybe you'd like a good read.

Thank you so much for your nice comment! Making shoes is a nice distraction from the madness going on in the world. It is also nice to create something with your own hands, something that can be of use.
The title of your books has already two words in it I despise. One of them is Eugenics. I am sure it is an interesting read and maybe I take a look, but honestly I already know more about our foreskin hating Best Friends Forever than I care to know. And nothing is good. Everything wrong in the world has on the top one of these God's chosen ones. From banking to media to satanic cults to governments. It is just too disgusting to dig deeper. And the worst thing is that they are now blatantly taken over and speaking out about them gets heavily censored and also criminalized.
I can only hope that I kick the bucket before these creeps are able to read my mind, because that would not be to my benefit :)
I do sometimes wish it had a different title.
It was the artwork which first caught my eye at a library book sale. After flipping through I had to buy it. And then it sat on the shelf unread. When I joined Steemit I took a picture of myself with the intention of posting it as proof that I was a human (that was big back then) but then I decided I didn't have the time to get into something like this how I'd planned. Looking at the picture while considering it all, I saw in it, on the bookshelf behind me, Jewish Eugenics. I took it down and I started reading it. It offered me a whole other perspective that I had not considered and ever since then I have been trying to get people to read it. I think it holds a lot of keys to understanding the why of the madness of today.
Like @maxigan says, I think we need to step into our humanity to get out of this mess. I see an opportunity to stop the ride if only people might consider a different approach to the problem.
If you do read the book I would love to hear your thoughts on it. You can read it on the site I linked to before, personally I dislike reading much on screens. I have bought several copies used online and I know there are more out there. My physical copy of the book is stuffed with papers and post it flags.
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