Hahaha :) Well, an article of mine takes me more than a week to create... and it has nothing to do with crypto... :D Shitpost I guess :D
My first impression of Steemit even before I signed in was that it is a platform where people write about... how to use Steemit. Something like a Facebook on which people describe how to use Facebook. And that's it. :D
Then I discovered different communities and people who write on various topics - poets, writers, photographers, artists, scientists, enterpreneurs, etc... And I thought: "Hm, maybe I was wrong, these people don't write about Steemit".
Now, I am getting the impression that the CEO crew actually aims for Steemit people writing about using Steemit. Which sounds ridiculous to me. If they want to make their currency worthy it must be attractive for the masses. For people like me.
Niall has explained better than me what was said last night, but I still think the priority is a homepage for crypto.
My first ever post was titled something like 'a distant dad's battle with depression', so yeah, I came to write also.
13000 followers later, in interested to see how that post would do now as far as engagement, the original got one comment I think.
Hopefully communities will help organise people into their focus areas, whatever that is on a particular day.