You can vote because you like the author or the content. Don't do it if you hate it. That's the wrong signal and makes your day miserable.
Somebody else still might like it - which is also fine.
We pretend to be adults here from time to time.
The constant focus on crypto posts limits steem to a nerdy forum. I was under the impression that this should be a social network - not the "1337 haxXxor flag club".
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah, I was a bit surprised by the comment but maybe I took it the wrong way.
If all STEEM/Steemit was intended to be was the 1337 haXxor flag club, then Ned and friends have been doing a lousy job of reigning in the rest of us unruly cats. I know personally, I've been making a habit of avoiding most crypto posts, while making sure my own crypto-related posts are kept to a minimum. :) And there you go talking about being an adult again. :)
My argument is going in the opposite direction. We need more unruly cats :D Meaning people who don't care about crypto - like 98.5849% of society (this is my conservative estimate).
Posted using Partiko Android
Not only are own arguments heading in the same direction, they're like one, man! Long live the unruly cats!