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RE: whatever

in #shitpost6 years ago

I think the post is too short, and the picture isn't denigrating enough. I mean where are the 5 copyrighted images that aren't cited, or the animated gif that only barely fits the narrative?

Funny you should post this as I was considering doing racier posts (or at least more combative ones). I don't remember the "good times" having only been here for ~6 months, but from a relatively new user perspective the content spread is ridiculous. The fact that you can make a decent payout from nothing posts and that people can put their heart and souls into their posts and be awarded less is painful.

That's why I don't write posts for STEEM, I write them for everyone. So I made 5 dollars on something that took hours to create, that's shit, but when I shared the post on twitter I was noticed, it was liked, reshared, and commented on. In my mind if the content isn't globally shareable then it has no place on a blogging platform.

Oh, also creating bots to game the system is shit and should be punished. It isn't a censorship issue, its a quality of content issue. Especially when plagiarism or copyright infringement is concerned.

Humble out,


i think content quality, and with it, user quality - is being sacrificed out of FUD, because no one wants to alienate users with influence - and voting power. doesn't matter that their VP isn't being used to support the community that supports them with a nice sized vote. they are supporting some other community - the ones that shitpost and scam the reward pool. so if ethics and standards no longer matter, we will eventually drive off anyone who writes those curie quality posts. is this the future of steem? do we want future investors to see this anything goes attitude? business as usual, history repeats itself. we are emulating what we are trying to escape.

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