Simplest Way to Get Shiny Looking Hair

in #shiny5 years ago

I think is the most natural and simplest way to get that shiny looking hair. Is it all starts in the shower? So if you really take cold showers and I'm talking cold not warm, not lukewarm actually cold showers then you know what I'm talking about. So if you're one of those that likes a nice hot steamy shower which I don't blame you it's amazing. Wait till the very end to rinse off your hair with cold water for 20 to 30 seconds and you're out. So what it does is the cold water it locks and closes your hair follicles and cuticles which will result with your hair being more moisturizing and shiny which is awesome and it's so simple and it works very well.

And this also applies to how your blood dyes your hair as well. Same thing. You can start up on the highest he's setting and then right before you finish. You want to finish it off in the coldest setting as well for 20 to 30 seconds. This will result in the style locked in place and with much shinier hair.

So here heck. Number nine is going to be how to get rid of static in your hair. The question is why do we even get static in our hair. So it could be a very dry climate like wintertime or you live in a very dry climate. B It's the type of environment you live in you probably have a lot of friction or rubbing weight. Yeah. So if there's a lot of friction rubbing your hair did you get a lot of static charges you get a lot of positive charge in your hair which will result in static hair or your hair is super dry and need of condition and moisture.

So how do we fix the static first thing you want to do is actually take care of your hair. And by that I mean moisturize and condition that will include a deep conditioning mask or my other favourite thing is dry conditioner. Number two is you want to counteract the positive with negative ions. And that means some kind of metal. So metal bread works very well or metal bobby pins. So I think we all know that the charge goes through metal. You probably have had some friction on your body then you're either touched a doorknob or something else that's metal and you got shocked.

That's exactly what it does for it to work like a bobby pin or some kind of metal barrette. It has to actually touch your scalp for it to work properly. Let's do a quick demonstration. Let's say you're always walking on the carpet or you're rubbing against people call them crazy friction on your hair or you brush your hair a lot your teeth in it whatever you're causing a lot of friction to your hair. Let me grab the balloon and let me make my hair a little bit.

Static let's see if we can get rid of the static. I'm gonna use African pride products for this and see how well this works. Metal comb let's brush it out.

Do you see that barely? Very little.

But because I'm touching my feet to a metal chair on the bottom I'm not sitting on the carpet. So that's why you have to touch something metal. That's why you want the hair clips to touch your scalp for it to do its job for the hack. And number 10 we're taking it back to the bobby pin. And I love using this hack for when I do braids or for when I like to hide my bobby pin. So for this trick, I'm going to have the bobby pin facing downward so the flat side is going to be going towards a scalp first and the ridges are gonna be on the top.

So I'm going to grab a nice section whatever I want. Pin down.

I'm gonna grab this section right here. I'm going to put it in the slide it in so that you see the ridges there on top.

So going to take the hair or bring it back and then I'm gonna take the actual bobby pin and I'm going to twist it. So the ridges are gonna be going towards the scalp.

So you see that the bobby pin you can only see on the very top so there you have it. Those are my ten easy hair hacks for short hair. I hope you guys like them and let me know which ones you actually use on a daily basis to make your hair life easier. Thank you so much for watching this video and spending some time with me and I hope to see you in my very next video. I love you all very much.


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