Swedish experts did not like the idea of building a landfill site.
“Not in line with best Swedish practice as it is the least preferred waste management option according to the waste hierarchy. Disposal should only be used for wastes that cannot be reused, recycled or recovered.” On the landfill in Shies (Arkhangelsk region) plan to send mixed waste.
The experts made their conclusions on the basis of the documents of the Moscow Government, the official presentation of Ecotechnopark and communication with the public. The guards did not let the experts to the construction site.
The expert of the architectural and technical company Sweco International AB from Stockholm Ingrid Khosta, in her conclusion noted that the construction is not transparent, the locals are not informed about the progress of the work. And it is also contrary to the Swedish practice, where the construction of such facilities requires mandatory public participation.
Swedish scientists do not hide the alarm: the construction of the world's largest garbage landfill can turn into a disaster for the entire Barents region, Russian scientists confirm this after researching the marshland in the Shies station area