Shield (XSH) and Why it's a Great Coin
This is a dive in to Shield (XSH) cryptocurrency.
This problem is: Current transactions which use ECDS reveal the users address in the process, exposing the crack-able ECDS signature.
The Solution is: Shield (XSH)! This a Privacy coin, but not just any type of privacy coin. This coin has something those other guys just don't have and that's "Quantum-proof" which uses a more sophisticated protocol to secure the XSH during transactions buy using Lamport signatures and securing the Shield Blockchain from attacks from Quantum Computers.
I feel this is a great coin with maximum potential.
You can mine off of ZPool with the standard CCMINER: Here is a look at my algorithms I have been using to Mine over 1,460 XSH.
ccminer-x64.exe -a blake2s -o stratum+tcp:// -u YourXSHAddressHere -p c=XSH-blake2s
ccminer-x64.exe -a lyra2v2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u YourXSHAddressHere -p c=XSH-lyra2v2
ccminer-x64.exe -a lyra2z -o stratum+tcp:// -u YourXSHAddressHere -p c=XSH-lyra2z
Do your home work and check it out before you just invest.
Dear friends, this is not financial advice or opinions of anyone other than myself and is in no way a reflection of what you should or shouldn't do with your computer, your money or your time. Crypto-Currencies are a complete risk and if you choose to invest you solely do it on your own behalf. You will witness my observations and reality as I travel through this Crypto-World.
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