Rock n Roll in Russian?
Vladimir Visotskiy has always been a great inspiration for me. For those who don`t know who he was I have to say that this man was a Russian poet, singer and songwriter who achieved in the East in the 1960s and 1970s what Bob Dylan, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones together achieved in the West. He became widely known for his unique singing style and for his lyrics, which featured social and political commentary in often humorous street slang. He was also a famous stage and screen actor. Though his work was largely ignored by the officials in the Soviet Union, he achieved great fame during his lifetime, and to this day exerts significant influence on many of Russia's popular musicians and actors many years after his death /in 1980/.
We covered one of his best songs called Morning gymnastics and did our best to combine the wild whiplashing Russian verses of Visotskiy with the badass power of rock n roll. Please, take a listen.
Вдох глубокий. Руки шире.
Не спешите, три-четыре!
Бодрость духа, грация и пластика.
Утром отрезвляющая,
Если жив пока еще -
Если вы в своей квартире -
Лягте на пол, три-четыре!
Выполняйте правильно движения.
Прочь влияния извне -
Привыкайте к новизне!
Вдох глубокий до изне-
Очень вырос в целом мире
Гриппа вирус - три-четыре! -
Ширятся, растет заболевание.
Если хилый - сразу в гроб!
Сохранить здоровье чтоб,
Применяйте, люди, об-
Если вы уже устали -
Сели-встали, сели-встали.
Не страшны вам Арктика с Антарктикой.
Главный академик Иоффе
Доказал - коньяк и кофе
Вам заменят спорт и профи-
Разговаривать не надо.
Приседайте до упада,
Да не будьте мрачными и хмурыми!
Если вам совсем неймется -
Обтирайтeсь, чем придется,
Водными займитесь проце-
Не страшны дурные вести -
Мы в ответ бежим на месте.
В выигрыше даже начинающий.
Красота - среди бегущих
Первых нет и отстающих!
Бег на месте обще-
English translation:
Morning gymnastics
Breathe deep. Hands wider.
Do not rush, three or four!
Pep, grace and plastic.
Sobering morning,
If still alive -
If you are in the apartment -
Lie on the floor, three or four!
Follow the correct movement.
Away from the influence outside -
Get used to novelty!
A deep breath to the exhaust-
Very grown in the whole world
Influenza virus - three or four! -
Spreading, growing disease.
If sickly - once in a coffin!
Save health to,
Use, people, wip-
If you are tired -
Sat-stood, sat, stood up.
You are not afraid of Arctic to Antarctic.
Chief Akademik Ioffe
Proved - brandy and coffee
You replace sports and pre-
Talk is not necessary.
Squat till you drop,
Yes, do not be dark and gloomy!
If you really itching to do -
Rub off than necessary,
Water Tackle proce-
Not afraid of bad news -
We run back in place.
In the win even a beginner.
Beauty - among running
First there is no lagging!
Running on the spot public