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RE: Dollar Vigilante what Happened to the Shemitah and Jubilee Collapse Fear Porn?
It did happen, but you don't remember because that was a parallel universe.
It was an epic pitched battle for supremecy between TDV and the Jews.
The Jewish bankers almost won, with their Shemitah rays but at the last moment TDV convinced the Berenstein Bears to sacrifice themselves by riding a comet while eating pizza in order to heal the cracks in the multiverse and now here we are. Only problem is it left behind #pizzagate in the process.
I have found solid proof and no one is even disputing that this is what happened...
Lulz, oh yeah I almost forgot. The scheming jew baby took over this timeline, and trapped us in the flat Earth dome, but only after the comet with the bears crashed into the hollow Earth.
It's all so confusing, but really makes sense when you realize it's all being coordinated by Nazi's on the dark side of the moon, who faked the moon landings.
as a Ginger Jew, i am flattered that the scheming jew baby looks just like me as a kid.