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RE: Dollar Vigilante what Happened to the Shemitah and Jubilee Collapse Fear Porn?

in #shemitah8 years ago

I hear you brother @titusfrost . And I thank you for your work! Let me express my honest opinion here while knowing that it is just that- an Opinion. As such, I'm totally unattached to it (my opinions are my fav toilet paper). I am a TDV subscriber since 2015. What Jeff calls Shemitah was sold by countless other channels with similar principles, they just ditched the "religious" background of it and stuck to the facts that all but blind can see- This system is a self-perpetuating misery factory creating a cyclic crisis to create more debt, wars, and restrict freedoms. Jeff played a wild card with this Shemitah thing, and most probably he has lost (unless things go shit mode real soon), but the things he writes in his newsletters are very true- war on cash, great calls on cryptos, political scams. So, yeah there's always reasons to hate Jeff and call him on Shemitah BS, I get it. So far all the countless other collapse oracles failed too, cause guess what- the guys who pull the strings are REAL GOOD at kicking the empty can down the road JUUUUUUST a little longer. Me, for one, has not joined @dollarvigilante to hear about Shemitah, but because their stock portfolio is making me rich as we speak (no way around not admitting this...). Their chief financial analyst- Ed Bugos, is probably the smartest man I've ever met, and I feel lucky to know him personally and grab beers with him on regular basis. I also met a dozen of new clients (they buy my art) and couple dozens new friends through TDV who make a significant difference in my life. It's not only about money, these are great folks with interest in self-sustainable living and even spirituality. And guess what- we all laugh about Shemitah quite often, cause we know that the value of what we got from Jeff far outweights his BS. I don't know @jeffberwick personally but he is my facebook friend and we talk often, he is also one of my clients (this is not the reason why I am writing this, believe it or not). From what I see on his overall social media activity- he makes a huge difference in the world denouncing publicly and in a very smart and funny way those who OUGHT TO BE DENOUNCED. I see totally blind statists wake up through this guy and that is the REASON NUMBER ONE I FORGIVE HIM all that he might have fucked up. We all fuck up, I do as well. I don't see anyone complaining on TDV facebook group, cause we are all, in fact profiting from the membership (dirty cheap vs its value and compared to some others). This being said- you are right about the things you posted, there're just maybe too one-sided. Peace bro! We all ONE in this! Let's fight the Beast together! Much Love P.S.: I don't like some of Jeff's advertising (fear porn as you say...), and I know others TDV members who don't, I'm not a blind fan of Jeff. I just accept him for what he does cause I see a genuine effort to make a positive difference in this world. Anyone who almost gets arrested only to cover Bilderberg is NOT fake, despite his errors.


He denounces things that

ought to be denounced.

More like things he can profit off of "exposing". I never said Jeff was fake, or that he didn't expose some truths. All I was saying is that he is a known scam artist, and pushed the Shemitah bullshit to get clicks and views. All he has to do is own up to his bullshit and I will move on. I was calling him out before the Shemitah date of Oct 5th or whatever the date was, and I got a ton of grief from TDV fans and no response from Jeff. He should never have pushed the Shemitah thing, and since he did and he was clearly wrong, he said it would happen by like November multiple times, and stoked fear into many people for no justifiable reason.

I don't mislead people and stoke fear into them for money, that is utter bullshit and irresponsible. When I make errors, and I do, I make videos to own up for my mistakes not brush them aside and act like it never happened.

True he should own up to that. This is btw one of the things that I never bought into, the whole fear thing. I believe the outside world is just reflection of our inner world, so focusing on things like this just make it worse, but I liked his other stuff (the monthly newsletter for subscribers is real good quality IMO). In all cases- I hear you and I can see the validity of your claim. Peace bro!

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