Review of ICO Sharpe Capital
The investment Sharpe Capital platform unites in itself a set of innovations in such spheres as "clever" contracts, machine learning, the linguistic analysis and artificial intelligence.
Sharpe Capital has developed own automated trade algorithm which has united microeconomic bases, world events in real time and the linguistic analysis in the uniform model capable to operate various classes of assets. Also Sharpe Capital will operate own investment fund.
The indicator the proof of a share allows us to remove the level of confidence of participants of the platform in moods which they provide that, in combination with the immutable proof of reputation which is stored in Ethereum blockchain allows to weigh moods for definition as the amount of the remunerations for services paid to each user and the level of credibility established for each received indication of moods.
Thanks to direct crowdsourcing of moods of participants, the automated models continue to cover human, based on influence, and cognitive processes, in addition to forecasting of cost of assets which baziruyushchtsya on the analysis of microeconomic bases and the linguistic analysis.
There are no losses - simply decrease in assessment of invariable reputation of the user, and, therefore, the amount of future payments.
In the same way, consistently exact users will strengthen the reputation, and will earn the increasing payments in exchange for their understanding. SHP also provides the mechanism for hedge funds and institutional participants for access to our proprietary models, acting as a payment for use.
Use of technology a blockchain serves two additional purposes for Sharpe Capital: to create the decentralized invariable trade grossbukh, such that any person could look through with absolute confidence all our previous transactions and also results of work of fund. It will allow to eliminate any dependence on trust for payments of fund and also a possibility of manipulation of fund at the institutional or individual level.
The Sharpe platform aims to describe the new "gold" standard for management of hedge funds, favourably using technology a blockchain for providing a low barrier to an entrance and also continuous liquidity, the international access, protection against the corruption and optimum profitability corrected taking into account risks.
More long-term goal consists in development of a cryptoderivative token of Sharpe (Crypto-Derivative) (SCD), on condition of obtaining necessary permissions. This first in a class token which creates a basis for a reliable communication between a blockchain assets and global economy and finally provides possible payment of dividends to participants.
Thanks to our structure of management of community in which holders of SHP have the right for giving and vote concerning offers we provide a set of investment products with various profiles of risk and on several classes of assets, including a blockchain assets.
SHP is a utilitny token which provides the proof of a share for users of the Sharpe Platform in which participants can earn Air in exchange for granting exact moods on global actions.
Tokens will be rewarded at the rate of 1800 - 2000 SHP for ETH
Hard Cap: 20 m of dollars
The Sharpe Capital team consists of the diversified group of experts in such areas as a financial inzhenering, quantitative modeling, the linguistic analysis, international law and requirements of regulators. The team quickly increases, new members join both the main team, and the advisory board, in process of expansion of our activity.
Lewis M. Barber
- the executive director having extensive experience of software development of a full stack and also consultation of global investment banks on their IT - architecture and development of failure-safe transaction systems.
James A. Butler
- the executive director on investments: now he is the research associate - the researcher at the University of Oxford where applies the system analysis to acceleration of process of development of drugs with use of the advanced methods of quantitative modeling and machine learning, and in Sharpe Capital is responsible for control of development of the investment platform.
Izrayel Kolomer
- director of technologies: has experience in all fields of software development and is responsible for technological development of IT infrastructure and software solutions of the company.
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