the.skrauss's instagram Feed : 2019/02/21 02:31:19

Detail of the climactic moment of the series of paintings, The Exit of Panama Dorado. Discovering that she's just a two dimensional figure in a painting, Dorado searches for and finds a way to break into the third dimension. Using the engine of the infra-slim, she opens a portal and reaches through, but it closes unexpectedly on her wrist taking her hand and the engine (a pair of nunchucks) with it. Glorious tragedy.
I never finished the series. I barely finished this painting. But I displayed the portions that I had in a show called Phooey Gunfight Collective. It was a show of ceramics. This painting leaned against one wall. Three feet in front of it was a paper hand clutching ceramic nunchucks. It was cool. I applauded and squirreled like a school girl or of joy. Two people came to experience the glory.
Observe these links:
#share2steem #nunchucks #portal #danger #painting #conceptart #ceramic
