coininstant's instagram Feed : 2019/06/16 20:01:09

in #share2steem5 years ago (edited)


Here they are. If you see them please say hello for me!!

Hi @berniesanders @steemit! hello bitches!

This is what @themarkymark really looks like!

OMG I think steemit shadowed my downvotes with upvotes streams so that when I downvote it pays you now! lol not good! So now I downvote my own comments to make it go up! lol serious!

Screen Shot 2019-06-16 at 11.42.13 AM.png

I am under attack by the bunch of nerds that created steemit! #share2steem #revengeofthenerds


Posted from Instagram via Share2Steem

Look at all these losers, did you know STEEMIT was just an experiment they designed to fail!

So if you follow and or vote for any of these "people" then you are the problem too!

1 hour ago
fb14cafc lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/psx2q2 (-2%) 1 hour ago
db941077 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/psx2q2 (-2%) 1 hour ago
6f26cfd8 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/psx2q2 (-2%) 1 hour ago
204ec13c sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/psx2q2 (-2%) 1 hour ago
a230255f z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/psx2q2 (-2%) 1 hour ago
40554836 ngc downvote @honusurf/psx2q2 (-2%) 1 hour ago
1b1015fe lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/psx89l (-2%) 1 hour ago
254b0906 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/psx89l (-2%) 1 hour ago
fb2ca267 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/psx89l (-2%) 1 hour ago
f6917c88 sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/psx89l (-2%) 1 hour ago
42c0c6d3 z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/psx89l (-2%) 1 hour ago
a72bf86a ngc downvote @honusurf/psx89l (-2%) 1 hour ago
6af41ec0 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/psyhho (-2%) 1 hour ago
6b42ec0f nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/psyhho (-2%) 1 hour ago
2eff9a80 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/psyhho (-2%) 1 hour ago
43bf528c sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/psyhho (-2%) 1 hour ago
0611367d z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/psyhho (-2%) 1 hour ago
3b605b6b ngc downvote @honusurf/psyhho (-2%) 1 hour ago
2754b49c lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/psythf (-2%) 1 hour ago
fd6eefb8 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/psythf (-2%) 1 hour ago
dc08d729 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/psythf (-2%) 1 hour ago
8c4ad854 sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/psythf (-2%) 1 hour ago
b9ed0526 z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/psythf (-2%) 1 hour ago
f0a30d4b ngc downvote @honusurf/psythf (-2%) 1 hour ago
e6f77a2e lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/psyts1 (-2%) 1 hour ago
22ae6edb nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/psyts1 (-2%) 1 hour ago
c4c9ef1c thecyclist downvote @honusurf/psyts1 (-2%) 1 hour ago
69b42634 sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/psyts1 (-2%) 1 hour ago
6e7e824e z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/psyts1 (-2%) 1 hour ago
4550395a ngc downvote @honusurf/psyts1 (-2%) 1 hour ago
5e32c474 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/psytwx (-2%) 1 hour ago
1fbee620 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/psytwx (-2%) 1 hour ago
5e361d10 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/psytwx (-2%) 1 hour ago
897cbc6e sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/psytwx (-2%) 1 hour ago
d314f678 z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/psytwx (-2%) 1 hour ago
02c6c797 ngc downvote @honusurf/psytwx (-2%) 1 hour ago
a7e1f387 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/psyufj (-2%) 1 hour ago
b3feec28 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/psyufj (-2%) 1 hour ago
304f3197 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/psyufj (-2%) 1 hour ago
92b41bd2 sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/psyufj (-2%) 1 hour ago
1422eeae z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/psyufj (-2%) 1 hour ago
390e5358 ngc downvote @honusurf/psyufj (-2%) 1 hour ago
95a4e384 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt04sy (-2%) 1 hour ago
80fae877 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt04sy (-2%) 1 hour ago
7c0ad795 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt04sy (-2%) 1 hour ago
d9242a7d sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt04sy (-2%) 1 hour ago
e28fb5dd z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt04sy (-2%) 1 hour ago
91b30ad0 ngc downvote @honusurf/pt04sy (-2%) 1 hour ago
2e3b31be lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q1t (-2%) 1 hour ago
200493e6 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q1t (-2%) 1 hour ago
7ac9faf9 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q1t (-2%) 1 hour ago
6df92ac1 sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q1t (-2%) 1 hour ago
cccc9720 z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q1t (-2%) 1 hour ago
da96c19a ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q1t (-2%) 1 hour ago
478bcb11 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q2g (-2%) 1 hour ago
6c4c679d nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q2g (-2%) 1 hour ago
ed8018c7 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q2g (-2%) 1 hour ago
2767001d sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q2g (-2%) 1 hour ago
2d9c9998 z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q2g (-2%) 1 hour ago
9a8af1b1 ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q2g (-2%) 1 hour ago
735cffb0 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q2u (-2%) 1 hour ago
e1c5c9de nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q2u (-2%) 1 hour ago
e02cf7a9 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q2u (-2%) 1 hour ago
a2d13f6a sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q2u (-2%) 1 hour ago
50570938 z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q2u (-2%) 1 hour ago
a0f8c143 ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q2u (-2%) 1 hour ago
80847c23 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q31 (-2%) 1 hour ago
772a0f3e nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q31 (-2%) 1 hour ago
20c20bf8 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q31 (-2%) 1 hour ago
6f18ad3c sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q31 (-2%) 1 hour ago
7242dad7 z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q31 (-2%) 1 hour ago
f4943dea ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q31 (-2%) 1 hour ago
dc44efc8 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q37 (-2%) 1 hour ago
514316ac nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q37 (-2%) 1 hour ago
518c56d4 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q37 (-2%) 1 hour ago
6bcdee1f sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q37 (-2%) 1 hour ago
e96da2bd z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q37 (-2%) 1 hour ago
bc0010ae ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q37 (-2%) 1 hour ago
d777505e lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q3f (-2%) 1 hour ago
a452c1b9 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q3f (-2%) 1 hour ago
c7bf3aa2 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q3f (-2%) 1 hour ago
225875d7 sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q3f (-2%) 1 hour ago
40b1439a z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q3f (-2%) 1 hour ago
c57c0e68 ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q3f (-2%) 1 hour ago
d6cd7561 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q3q (-2%) 1 hour ago
64277645 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q3q (-2%) 1 hour ago
5cbf1416 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q3q (-2%) 1 hour ago
e02f6877 sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q3q (-2%) 1 hour ago
b5392b2d z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q3q (-2%) 1 hour ago
0b9c8115 ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q3q (-2%) 1 hour ago
5285ce3c lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q4p (-2%) 1 hour ago
bfb2706c nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q4p (-2%) 1 hour ago
2aa3bd9d thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q4p (-2%) 1 hour ago
b804d47f sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q4p (-2%) 1 hour ago
1a306eae z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q4p (-2%) 1 hour ago
c07818f1 ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q4p (-2%) 1 hour ago
690c1acc lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q5a (-2%) 1 hour ago
4100220f nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q5a (-2%) 1 hour ago
db00d895 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q5a (-2%) 1 hour ago
8e87f379 sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q5a (-2%) 1 hour ago
52fb5182 z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q5a (-2%) 1 hour ago
6c924502 ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q5a (-2%) 1 hour ago
9cf8dda4 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q68 (-2%) 1 hour ago
ccc560f2 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q68 (-2%) 1 hour ago
a1119198 thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q68 (-2%) 1 hour ago
d24d7a92 sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q68 (-2%) 1 hour ago
73232518 z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q68 (-2%) 1 hour ago
8fe673f5 ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q68 (-2%) 1 hour ago
107cd98f lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q6g (-2%) 1 hour ago
fd77bf2e nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q6g (-2%) 1 hour ago
cd007c9c thecyclist downvote @honusurf/pt0q6g (-2%) 1 hour ago
ded59e65 sirvotesalot downvote @honusurf/pt0q6g (-2%) 1 hour ago
bd76364a z8teyb289qav9z downvote @honusurf/pt0q6g (-2%) 1 hour ago
fa63d61e ngc downvote @honusurf/pt0q6g (-2%) 1 hour ago
7ae73235 lyndsayblowes downvote @honusurf/pt0q6p (-2%) 1 hour ago
7258b820 nextgencrypto downvote @honusurf/pt0q6p (-2%) 1 hour ago

And the list goes on forever!!

#Just remember @fulltimegeek is good!
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themarkymark producer reward: 0.225 SP 47 minutes ago
themarkymark producer reward: 0.225 SP 47 minutes ago
themarkymark producer reward: 0.225 SP 48 minutes ago

fulltimebot7 downvote @themarkymark/xuansgsy (-16.58%) 49 minutes ago

themarkymark producer reward: 0.225 SP 49 minutes ago
themarkymark producer reward: 0.225 SP 50 minutes ago

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I'm too stupid to know what's going on at all. I don't understand steem. I joined steem because I thought it was decentralised and so I thought, if people don't like each other they can just block each other, if you like them then you give them a vote which is a little money to support them. I don't get steem power steem this and that. It's all complicated. I don't get all the blacklisting and bots. I feel like the whole thing is overcomplicated. I'm not that smart but I'm not below average IQ so I'm guessing this is confusing to lots of people. I don't know why your comments to me were greyed out, you were encouraging to me when I was feeling down.

Because the owner and all these accounts pre-mined millions of SteemPower so they can do whatever they want. If I had that much steempower I could grey them all out! They are evil, just in for money, trying to take it down. Why else would you downvote all your users. Everything I post gets greyed out, I got censored by them just for having my opinion! If it could happen to me it could happen to anybody!

We can block each other on platforms from displaying content, but cannot block their downvotes since we are a decentralized blockchain. You are right, steemit can make you feel really bad and it is not worth the hassle!! Thanks!!

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