Shapeshifting & Holographic Craft
Seems some beings/races possess technology to do virtually anything u can imagne.. course there us also so yea!
ive seen something that was a star appear out of nowwhere.... micmic the other stars perfectly in brightness
then turn into airplane the moment i began noticing wait a minute i dont think that's a star... cause it was aligned in a literally 100% perfect trinagle pattern with these other 2 stars... that i think where regular stars?
hard 2 say anymore....
i went and got my binoculars for a closer look at it flying a perfect straight line like a normal twin turbo prop airplane thing was i never remeber hearing any sound at all.... which i didn't even notice or find unsually as it appear 2 be kinda high but i should've heard something i mean it was close enough i could make out 1 blinking light on either side of the wings like we have for our airplanes then 1 in the center.....
man these beings are amasing mind readers......
i saw a sphere back in 2015 morph into a single engine prop plane as it got closer 2 me in vivan,la -even made this noise perferctly and everything..... - daytime
ive seen huge pefectly shaped circles clouds that began 2 takeon a 3d outline of a huge starship the past 6 months off and on....
although i know u can pretty much do anything u can imagine.....
None of them ever done anything 2 purposely frighten me.... usually if anything they fade away or vanish if tend 2 even slightly drop my vibration or go into fear about it....
except this 1 guy who teleported down from his space ship behind me and walked in front of my yard light but i asked him telepathicly to do that ....
Note = from how we might percieve time yea they /we can time travel 2 any reality we can find out about from what ive gathered
although some ufo are actually living entines but in a sense all matter has coincouness and if u understand and have the proper vibration u can actually morph matter into literally anything!
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be remember instead of remeber.