Electric Cars Can be Made 2 do anything!
know anyone with a electric car around $3,000 im lookin 4 one
i gunna make it have like infinte range and drive itself cause yea
i mean i know u could make it leviate n stuff .
there's applification devices that allow solar panels output power 2 be higher 1 copany is even coming out with a 400% one.
Then u have permnanet magnet motors.
and metal coils & antennta that harnesss energy.
u can harness free energy from many things like the planet, higher dimensions & power lines to.
apparently even railroad lines but dosent look like much from the last 1 but apparently its enough 2 charge a cellphone lol.
oh yea and with quantum tech you can have objects shapeshift. into anything u can imagine! so fuck needed like tons of diffferent vechiles u literally right now can have or make a vechile that can turn itself into anything!
tons of earth humans have seen shapeshifting spaceships and things like that including me!
i saw a sphere ship once in the sky turn into a airplane when it got closer !