Follow those hunches of holy visage known only to you
At times, the shelf-elf seems to guide us to a book, whether in a shop, or from our own bookshelves. If we allow ourselves to be led by such synchronicities or spiritual inclinations, well then, the magic happens!
In my most recent experience of this phenomenon, a book came via lines given me by a blonde woman who appeared in a night-dream. Without going into great detail, she revealed to me very specific information in regards to how to prepare and ingest a mushroom for use in spiritual evolution.
The dream was vivid and I went to my computer to inquire and investigate further and found only one source with the information I’d received from the dream visitor; an excerpt from The Woman in the Shaman’s Body: Reclaiming the Feminine in Religion and Medicine, by Barbara Tedlock.
Needless to say, I ordered the book which more than anything for me, has proven a confirming pat and push towards accepting my full power as a wise woman and healer—not an easy feat for me as I grew up within a strongly, patriarchal-focused religion, state and family.
Tedlock’s book is written dissertation-style, clearly she has compiled years of primary and secondary source material and the book is chockfull of exciting evidence, stories and account’s in relation to gender with relevancy pointed specifically towards the complete world of shamanic healing.
What Tedlock brings to the forefront in regards to the importance of equality of gender is that those who practice shamanism—in its many forms—must learn, as has always been the case, to embrace both their feminine and masculine sides, that being a healer, seer, warrior, visionary requires a balance and employment of both within the true practitioner.
What has taken me many years to grasp and seems simple once written or mentioned, (what has always been there if only I’d looked, heard, realized), but has taken me so many years, possibly even lifetimes to really get, is that just because I’ve become more balanced within myself, doesn’t mean other’s, especially the non-bodies within ruling institutions, will stop in their dispelling of my (and your) knowing. In fact, this attempt at submerging personal power has been around for eons too. So what is the purpose of my writing this brief review of dream and book? Only to say, your greatest expansion happens when you follow those hunches of holy visage known only to you!
Photo Credit: Iulia Mihailov/unsplash
A beautiful account of how "mystical" guidance can direct our path; and a relevant exposition of the fundamental wisdom we all must embody to authentically express the potential of our nature. Way t' be!
:) Thanks!
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Were you aware that she also wrote: Dreaming : anthropological and psychological interpretations.
This theme of women v institutions (per definition run by a male force, for politics and system-analysis, et al that wields sceptres of power is masculine) has been super present all last week, with many "points of contact" signalling an urgency to see what can and must be anchored on this theme by quiet but powerful suburban/sleepy-town housewives.
Giving it away while the feminine is about receiving and conceiving. It must stop. We have to find a way to become strong enough (quiet enough?) to hold onto our power (our wisdom) and sit it out with it kept safe, to share out in safer times. It's not about men v women...yawn. That is circumstantial (albeit about 60000 years old). It is about seeing what the Eternally Feminine (which above all has touched many male artists/writers/philosophers) is able to do to make things reciprocal (give AND take, harmonious flux). Creativity is not productivity or progress in itself. It is doing what needs to be done. I.e. being what man is. Essentially feminine as recepticle, earthy amphora, vessle for the creative (God) force.

Thy will be done. That's the spell around the cauldron for now.
No, wasn't aware of her other book(s), but hadn't looked either.
Indeed, powerful, sleepy housewives!
Moved back into a book by Robert Johnson, Inner Work, that underscores much of what you've written here. Wondering about the masculine soul figure in my own psyche? Where oh where is my own identifiable animus in my nighttime dreams? I do dream and record and work with these, but have not named or identified any such character, that I know when I happen upon him, "Oh, here he is!"
How about you?
Oh, he is here alright, night and day.....But I'm a Gemini, so man at head to start with, unlike your eagle brains....