Discovering our Actual Beliefs
In the beginning of our personal journeys, we're not typically aware of the core beliefs that make up our identity. It is quite difficult to admit our underlying unconscious beliefs in the midst of our externally professed beliefs, since our external facade is there to protect us, and to make us appear as good and righteous people in order to fit in and find approval, and to avoid rejection and punishments. However, we can deduce what we actually believe underlying our external facade of professed beliefs through observing our emotional states and behaviors, as they are the manifestations that reveal to us our underlying thought processes. This is what Carl Jung meant by making the unconscious-conscious and revealing our shadow, and this furthers our individuation from the collective unconscious of humanity. As we become aware of our underlying beliefs through the process of observation and deduction, we slowly but surely begin to differentiate ourselves from the unconscious patterns that define our connection to our group identity, and we become a unique and distinct individual apart from the collective herd.
#unityprocess #individuation #liberty #shadowwork #carljung #jung