Shadow Photo Contest Round 31 - Creature Feature
Spider, Pholcus phalangioides
This is my entry for #shadowphotos contest by @melinda010100.
Pauk, (Pholcus phalangioides)
Srešćete ga svuda, u svetu i kod nas. Na različitim mestima, u garaži, na tavanu, u stanovima.
Ovo nije post o paucima, ali ipak, samo jedna rečenica.
Nije otrovan, bezopasan je za ljude. Ne ubijajte ih, samo ih pažljivo iznesite van.
Moj izbor za ovonedeljno takmičenje #shadowphotos.
Fotografije sam snimila mobilnim telefonom Samsung A5.
Hvala mnogo @melinda010100 na ovom zabavnom takmičenju! :)
Thank you @melinda010100 for creating and hosting the contest!
Challenge link:
Srećni bili!
Great shadow! That really is an elegant spider. Great capture!
Thank you very much, really appreciate it! :)
Thank you for your contribution to the "photocircle" tag
@photocircle Team
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