Simple Ideas to Connect the Dots of Future PART 2

in #shadow9 years ago (edited)

Many people of the TVP and related highly advanced projects and ideologies are Just believers. In the end it is church with only difference that you have to think on the end. A religion which requires a man to start to think. That is not so bad at all…

As we are capable to comprehend, the truth is that all problems can be solved by technological advancement and education.

We could argue that cryptocurrency is relatively complicated idea of self control. It is the only way to free our civilization from shadows of Central Banking Cartel Families.

Egoistical seek to control everything is well appreciated as our masses of human resource (the people) mostly have undeveloped minds. Which is the fault of the same who seek to control but not to educate and help.

If centralized civilization control powers would be not so greedy. They would see that educated and well living (in surrounding which is highly advanced technologically) human resource do much better. Educated Human Resource ensure Greater future for civilization survival and development.

Centralized control always leads to corruption and egoistical control of “power”.

Technological decentralization is the only way we can handle human corruption and egoistical mind to control.

The Venus Project ideas about worldwide resource and city management will be accomplished through highly advanced robotics, automation and mainly advanced decentralized blockchain networks:

The Blockchain technology creates the World Wide Ledger of value.

A blockchain is a data structure that makes it possible to create a digital ledger of transactions and share it among a distributed network of computers. It uses cryptography to allow each participant on the network to manipulate the ledger in a secure way without the need for a central authority.

Once a block of data is recorded on the blockchain ledger, it’s extremely difficult to change or remove. When someone wants to add to it, participants in the network — all of which have copies of the existing blockchain — run algorithms to evaluate and verify the proposed transaction. If a majority of nodes agree that the transaction looks valid — that is, identifying information matches the blockchain’s history — then the new transaction will be approved and a new block added to the chain.

So to think that decentralized blockchain technology based cryptocurrency as Bitcoin BTC or Shadowcash SDC is similar to or simple money is FAIL.

As cryptocurrency (THE BITCOIN OR THE SHADOWCASH) has to exist to maintain blockchain existence, it is the matter of civilization technological, educational evolution. When we will see practical implementations of decentralized blockchain related technology in near future beyond money trade concepts.

Now we can clearly see and comprehend the fact that our civilization and its simple or highly technologically advanced human resource are developing tools for brighter future.

Blockchain technology is the best thing that ever happened to this civilization. As it is principal technology which will be used to manage human resource, maintain future cities and resources of the planet and maybe other planets network systems.

For now we use blockchain technology to build cryptocurrencies to free our civilization from corrupted centralization and egotistical people who do everything to dumb down the human resource which in the future will be not required any more, when development of robotics reach its full potential.

It is known that human resource is still in need to do stuff. But it’s temporarily as upcoming technological advancement will grant all power and good life to ones that are in billionaires clubs with out people as resource property.

We see so much futuristic movies about upcoming future of technological control over human resource and we still can’t comprehend with our limited minds that this is really coming now. As it is difficult to imagine the reality which is upcoming for those limited in mind computational power to comprehend and learn new advanced theories or visions.

We all are seeking to decentralize everything massively and educate everyone.

Education and educated community is everything.

Everything starts from great education and community.

All problems in civilization are easily solvable by education and technological advancement.

Humankind overpopulation increase consumption and load to ecosystem, nature etc. The answer is education and technological advancement. We can see examples that Europe and well established societies is decreasing in population because there is no incentive to have any child. Sometimes there is still need for one or two children as it is no need to have them when life is great.

When civilization will reach Global practical establishment of The Venus Project or any other real solutions to smart decentralized blockchain based civilization and its smart resource management. We will see incentive that there will be no need for children or families at all as everyone will live great life. With further technological advancement maybe Eternal life.

Global decentralized civilization happens when human resource starts to live in the same prosperity like everyone else. Human resource starts to think the same. Everyone’s mind development capacities becomes the same or near the same level of everyone else as nobody have to think about basic survival.

With technological evolution, it’s implementation in decentralized global scale, we will see civilization where human resource is free to go, to travel, learn, participate in anything they like.

Terrorism and war are just engineered disciplines and technologies like everything else. Everyone are trying to survive and take control of everyone who doesn’t know.

It is simple technological evolution of humans ego and other mind patterns which have to be over come to build better future for our Global Decentralized Planetary Civilization.

To know cryptocurrency, but not to participate in one, is quite miserable, as it means you don’t participate in civilization revolution. Yes, in revolution of freedom!

Human resource who egoistically try to control other fellow resource don’t know what they are doing. If they would know what they are doing there would have been no Blockchain and bitcoin technology.

To control human resource minds and make money, people in control forbidden certain chemicals, drugs, substances like psychedelics: lsd, magic mushrooms, cannabis etc. They all have positive and negative but they all teach human to know their mind better. Some teach to think and learn. Some gives just plain pleasure and other excitements.

In the name of consciousness control they did this and that backfired when Bitcoin was released. Most advanced people in this civilization are does who use illegal mind alternating substances like LSD and other psychedelics to understand and learn things.

Its Psychedelic Society which use illegal mind enhancing drugs that gave birth to Bitcoin power. When it was used as tool to trade illegal substances and other goods on Deep Web marketplaces.

What was misfortune to centralized ego, the control of the mind gave birth to Bitcoin value and amazing worldwide usage growth. Which will free our civilization from slavery and other misfortunes.

Which will help to develop decentralized ecosystems for future evolution to decentralized civilization control systems and tools. When every human who participate becomes equally important citizen.

Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies are not JUST money. They are technological advancements the evolution of revolution. And not to know how to use and not to participate in it, is the same as to go to church and pray to GOD that he would build you two storey house with pool, tree house and gift a Ferrari.

Logical and scientific conclusion would be - You have to do it by yourself!

Education is the only way to influence the future.

Jacque Fresco knows this very well!

Cyberspace the space and place where the game changes. The culture of tomorrows humankind.
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Thanks for pointing this out dude.

It is repost. I will mention. Thanks :)

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