in #sgslife3 years ago

Hi everybody! It’s been a while since I’ve posted, I know. With the Holidays and the beginning of the New Year, it’s been a bit of a lazy time for me and my brothers and sisters! The other day, I overheard mom and dad talking about a new trail system up at the end of our road where we usually hike. I wanted to go, just as all of my family did, but when I asked mom, she said since it was new, only two of us could go. Me (obviously) and I could choose whomever I wished to accompany me. So I chose my brother Winchester!

We were so excited as the weekend approached! I couldn’t wait to get my coat on and jump in the backpack to head out. Jan had given mom a new blanket with little lambs on it, for us to travel in. It was going to be so much fun!

We headed out Saturday early afternoon. We headed up just like always, to the trailhead. Then, that’s where things changed! Instead of going to the off grid cabin, we turned and headed up a ways on Keith and Lynne’s driveway. We don’t go that way much as it is after all, a driveway. We climbed up and up, as their driveway is really long.

Once we got to the last curve before you would head to their house, we took a turn on a trail and headed North. (At least that’s the direction mom said-me I have no idea!). New territory! I could feel the anticipation building as we hiked along some new trails that I’ve never seen the like before.

We found ourselves by this really cool lake in the middle of nowhere!


We kept climbing and were in a dense forest. Around the curve, we broke out into an area with no trees. Mom said it was called a clear cut area, as the family that owns this property are of logging heritage. (I’m not sure what that means exactly, but will Google it later)

This is what we saw:


Wow!, was all I could think! Who took all the trees? Mom said that the family who logs this takes really good care afterwards of the area. They remove the old stumps, and replant with Western Red Cedar trees or with Fir trees.



Mom looked around and found the most awesome tree stump for me and Winchester to have a seat and take in the view.


Do you see how gigantic that stump is? It was so much bigger than we were! I can just imagine how tall the tree was! It’s kind of sad that they cut it down.


We could see for miles-all the way into Canada! I’ve never been to Canada; I wonder what that is like? Anyway, we sat for quite a while just taking in everything around us.


Mom said it was time to go, so we hopped back into the backpack and we went even further! I think that she said this stretch of forest was planted in 1930. That was way before I was born!


We were gone for over 3 hours and had hiked almost 8 miles! Everybody was tired!

I am looking forward to bringing the whole family up here next time. My brothers and sisters will be so amazed, plus mom has talked about taking a picnic up as well. I’m always interested in good food!

This concludes my grand hiking adventure for now. Don’t forget to get out there and get those hooves movin’! Bye!🐑💜


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