Little Cherine Book 04 - BPost065

“You have work Alki. Do not waste your time here.”
He turned his chair. “Work can wait. Caring for my friend is never a waste of time.”

Previous: Book 04 - Post 064


“What friend Alki? I have been nothing but a weight on all, dampening the quick smiles and joy I saw when I first came.”

“Where would we have found those smiles if you had not cared Roberto? Tell me, do you ever think of your wives and children? Does your own Alki ever speak to your heart?”

“Even here. All of them.”

“Then what right have you to give up on them? I know how you need the love of Cherine, but if you cannot have it, must you sacrifice all the others? Would you declare their love to be so small and meaningless to you?”

My heart made me tease him, knowing as it did, how it would please him. “They have a pappou to love them, they don’t need me.”

A voice floated out from the house, “Oh Cherinians of the prime world, your Robert has abandoned you to the mercies of a grizzly bear.”

Alki called to her, “Rosie you little minx, come out here. Why have you been listening?”

“You did not post a privacy sign. I don’t think he cares enough to.”

I managed a smile for her. “Rosie love, why do you like to turn words into sandpaper? With those angelic looks only words of sweetness should cross your lips.”

“B-o-r-i-n-g!” She grinned at me. “If you find a steel rod covered in rust and grime, you would pour honey on it? Sandpaper will bring out the sharp strong beauty of steel and make the rod beautiful again.”

“Is that what you are trying to do? I never have been a thing of beauty.”

“Your heart has. For all those who love you.”

I looked at Alki who was grinning. “Did the two of you plan this?”

“No. Robert, to hear you tease, it gives me hope.”

“It is not time yet. You are right though, I owe it to my loved ones, I must return to them. Alki, I need something that will cost you money.”

“Speak then.”

“I need a house somewhere in the mountains with no one living close by. Perhaps a few chickens for the eggs and a goat or two for milk and company.”

He laughed. “Goats milk? Even Greeks will not drink it anymore. Where would you want this to be?”


“Why does he want goats for company pappou? Do they remind him of his wives?”

“No my little angel, just of one daughter.”

“No Alki, she reminds me of a pig.”

“That is insulting.”

I smiled. “It is not. Pigs are extremely intelligent, sometimes by far too much for their own good.”

My humour was not good, but I had tried. After that effort I seemed to sink even deeper into apathy. Two days later Alki came to me.

“Cyprus is not a land where farms have no neighbours. I have done the best I could for you. It is ready.”


I stood with back to the house and its clean swept courtyard with clucking hens scratching, since that was not what interested me. I looked down upon the ragged hillsides that seemed empty of man. I could feel it already calling to me, promising twisted ankles, palms raw and bleeding, but solitude and peace. I walked off and only later recalled Alki had stood by me.

The hours passed without me taking notice of them. Climbing down steep edges of ravines to climb up the other side, loose rocks falling beneath my feet or narrowly missing my head as my hand played false and pulled on what seemed part of a greater rock. I walked along the brow of hills that sloped like toes from Mt. Troodos, the pine covered mountain that has seashells in its soil at the summit. When shepherd or flock were seen, my feet would turn and my body continued a search that had no meaning to me. My mind, as from the day Cherine cut the link was too deeply embroiled in a struggle to stifle the yearning that cried out for her. I feared she may hear its voice and I would not have myself taken in as supplicant.

On the second day I returned to the rock walled house and entering it felt its cool soft welcome. I collapsed on the bed and slept for a few hours. The room still held the scent of lavender and I saw dried sprigs laid here and there. Some good housewife, born in some other age, had left her home for the sake of a tiny part of the wealth Alki had spent for me. Food, fruit and honey besides a loaf of village bread. It would have been a meal fit for a king. My belly has spent too many days over the weeks without nourishment and now clamped up on me, so I tore some bread and chewed on it as I let my body carry me on its restless search.

Late that afternoon I saw a ragged edge to a hill above me. As I climbed I saw that a flat rock, like a shelf, jutted out a couple of metres from the land below it. As my feet stood upon the rock the urge to move died. I sat on the edge and without looking down, my gaze travelled to a distant shore, the darkness of the sea and the line where it met with its cousin the sky. My eyes seemed to search for some point within the line and as the sun set the two merged and I felt as if my mind was able to reach to some distant place beyond.

This became my daily regimen, often waiting through the night for the sun to tear apart my world into water and air. The weather did not matter. The sun burned and the moon teased, but nothing mattered as long as I could find once more that place where nothing exists.

Sometimes, if I had spent the night on a bed, when I awakened, my feet would carry me off for one day or more, but in the end that shelf would summons me, promising a velvety place of surcease from my pain. Despite Cher, sometimes my stomach would cramp with my need to tear myself apart if my mind played a trick on me and I saw my Cherine of fifteen years.

There were moments that I would begin a thought centered on my love, a memory that was precious, and with my Cherinian clarity I would recall all, down to the taste of her skin and the lights that danced in her eyes when she had bested me. Such moments of pleasure were rare and precious.

One day I returned to the house and saw on the table a chocolate. ‘Chocolate is love; shit is hate’. “Henry” a voice called out from within me. I grabbed the chocolate and returned to the shelf. This time I sat and ate the chocolate and lay back, the stars already beginning to dance with their nightly mischief. I woke to find the sun blazing on me.

During this period, a gecko, its rough skin dappled with the grey of the rock, had grown accustomed to me and no longer ran in panic if I moved. As I awoke I saw it standing on my chest. It raised its head and stared directly into my eyes and then nimbly ran down my side. I sat up with my face towards the lace of shoreline. The sea looked troubled.

“You are trying to be one with the land?”

The voice I thought was that of an elderly man, but I did not turn. To do so would be acknowledging I am becoming mad; to answer it though would still be sane of me.

“I belong to it.”

“Then the land belongs to you?”

“We are part of each other.”

“I do not think so. You only take from the land.”

“I offer it myself.”


“Not true. You take, but do not give. Do you think the land wants your blood? Do you believe rock is fertile then? You have to feed the soil with your sweat and then you may belong.”

“My sweat?” I almost turned. “How?”

There was no reply. I sat there for hours but it no longer felt right, I did not belong here.

Though the sun was still shining, I returned home. I washed my clothes and bathed. I lay down and slept till morning. The table held a plate full of dark purple figs. I broke one apart and tasted the sweetness. The next one I first caressed its velvety texture before eating. I put on my shoes and walked to the village that lies about two kilometres behind the house.

The village is tiny. One coffee shop - cum - taverna; a tiny grocery store with the only concession to our times a sign naming it a Super Market. I walked in and ordered my coffee and cigarettes. I took a seat facing inwards so that they all faced me. Two elderly men were playing tavli (backgammon), the sounds of their dice rattling on wood filling the silence. They realised and stopping looked around, saw me and returned to their game.

“Xenos?” (stranger?)


“Milate Ellinika? (you speak Greek?)”

When I answered he said I talked like a ‘kalamaras’. From there on questions flowed. Those I was willing to answer I did; those I did not, I left hanging in the air until someone else asked the next question. None were slighted when I did not answer. Once I felt I had shown them courtesy according to their traditions I asked my question.

“What can I grow on my land?”

“You cannot even grow weeds.” There was some good natured laughter and agreement.

“What can I grow?”

The youngest man there, in his late forties, got up and sat at my table. “Clear a small piece of land of all stones. Make certain there is soil for the roots. At that time I will bring you tomato seedlings, if you give me the money to buy them. I will then teach you how to care for them. At least you will eat your own tomatoes.”

I handed over the amount he asked for and left.

I was not sure what should be called a stone and removed everything almost down to pebble size. The plot was not large, about five metres by three. There was hardly any soil so I took an old plastic bucket and walked around collecting what I could.

The kind of work I was doing did not occupy my mind and I found it drifted. When I had finished, I stood looking at the patch and saw that physical labour had allowed me to ‘meditate’ far more effectively than staring at the horizon. The man came and scratched around in the soil.

“This is not deep enough. Give me some money and I will buy some. The soil here is more like clay and is not good for planting.”

“No. I will get soil from the land. The tomatoes will grow.”

He looked at me, but did not say anything.

It took days, but by collecting soil from pockets among the rocks I succeeded in raising the depth to over three inches. He returned with the seedlings in shallow wooden boxes. He first raked the soil, creating rows of built up soil. He planted them and showed me how to water them.

I spent my time watching them. As before, I found my thoughts now were more positive and it was a time of gentle healing. I went back to our early days and how I had feared that I would die if not linked to my Cherine. After fifteen years I still am not strong enough to survive such a loss. If Cher had not intervened, I knew I would have died. I saw that saving or helping the alternate worlds has not been a one-way thing; how many times have they helped me!


I wondered about Cherine. How is she surviving? Has she gone back to our family? Her links with them may have helped her in the same way.

As the plants grew I found myself changing, but I still spent most of my time sitting absorbed in my thoughts while my eyes stared at the plants as if trying to see them grow. I pushed in sticks and tied the plants to them so that the fruit would not lie on the soil. The villagers came about once a week to exclaim and comment, all certain the tomatoes will be stunted and tasteless.

“You are learning about giving and taking?”

I looked up and saw an old village man on the other side of my patch.

“No.” I then added, “I have learnt that there is pleasure in seeing things grow.”

“You are an artist, you always knew that. Have you learnt anything about giving and taking?”

“Are you asking whether I now feel part of the land?”

“No. I am asking, have you learnt to give and take?”

“I have never seen myself as being selfish. I have always tried to give more than I take, so I do not understand why you are stressing the point.”

“I did not ask whether you know how to give. I asked…”

“Okay! You are saying to give I must also take.”

“When you have eaten a tomato you may leave.” He walked away. I was annoyed by his order, but somehow I knew I must not follow or touch him. I watched until he disappeared behind a hillside.

‘He is talking about your family, Robert.’ my mind said to me.

‘I know.’

‘He is right, you only want to give, you steal from them the pleasure they would find in giving.’

I thought about my girls, Alki, all the Cherinians I have grown to love. Suddenly I understood. They love me and my being crippled by the loss of my Cherine would give them the opportunity to give me as much love as they can to help or try to fill the emptiness in me. I do not have the right to keep that from them. Instead of walking on beaches or coming here to find a way to survive my loss, I should have gone back to them. To die as I wanted to would be another way of saying to them ‘your love is not good enough for me.’

I had thought I had been looking for a way to live without my love, but now saw I had instead been trying to find a way to let go of life. The knowledge that I do not have the right, that I have to live, hit me like a blow. I fell to the ground, my cheek pressed to the soil as tears flowed. I heard sounds, the villagers had come. They grew silent and left. That was the last time they came to visit.

I could not adjust to the idea of never having my Cherine, never will, but that will have to remain my private pain. My loves need me and I need them, perhaps I will find some joy in that.

I decided to obey and wait for a tomato. Four months I had waited, a couple of weeks more I could endure.

The morning arrived that I went to check my patch and saw it is dotted with bright red. The tomatoes were ripe! I picked one and ate it. It was sweeter than any I have ever eaten. I took the old bucket, dirty, scratches and all, filled it with ripe tomatoes, took the key of the house and returned to the village.

I entered the coffee shop and all conversation died. I placed the bucket on a table and they saw the tomatoes and their eyes widened with wonder - and pleasure. I placed the keys on the table, nodded at them and walked out.


I took the road and as I walked around a bend and out of sight of the village, I found Cher standing, waiting for me.

“You been monitoring me? How are you love?”

“You’ve chosen to live.” It was half statement, half question.

“If my loves help me. Would you like to walk a while or shall we go home?”


All except for Alki stayed away, probably waiting to be told they can come. Rob stood looking at me for a moment and then hugged me. He pulled away and I saw tears in his eyes. I was touched and touched his cheek gently.

“I have caused you all too much grief.”

“Get her back Robert.” His words slashed into me, but I kept my face neutral.

“It is up to her. She cut the link, she left me.”

“She’ll come back. Don’t give up on her.” Cher said.

I stared out the window, my voice low. “It is far easier to give up on myself.”

“Are you returning home?”

“How Alki? I’ll return within hours of my leaving. Then Cherine and Robert will want to return home. How do my loves and I stay linked?”

“We could come with.”

“No Robert, you’ve done enough. Anyway, if this remains a permanent problem I have to find another solution. A couple of the kids, mainly the son of Tasso are able to form a weak link. They have to strain to hold it and any distraction is enough to break it. We just have to hope Cherine decides to return for the family at least. If she does not want me around, I can spend my time reality hopping.”

“Wait a couple of days, I cannot believe she will stay away much longer. She loves you too much.”

I gave a bleak smile. “Cherine, all of you Cherines love us Roberts, but you all are also extremely stubborn. If she still feels violated she will not forgive or return to me.”

I asked to use their computer and created new paintings. They were bleak, taken from my walks on the beach and Cyprus. I made a portrait of the old man and that brought all the local Cherinians. They discussed it openly and they all agreed on one thing.

“Robert, if that is what you saw in his face, then he loves you.”

“It is not the same old man that came before. I do not know this one.”

“I have a strange feeling about him Robert.” Cher said. “It is almost as if I know him.”

Having made up my mind had brought a certain calm and I found all the children spent hours every day with me. They enjoyed coming in to my mind and playing puppy and other games. The pure love they exchanged made my heart sore - how can any person think of dying, when there is such sweetness in the future?

Marian had mostly kept her distance. She likes her Robert, but is slightly wary of me. This day she came and sat in the garden close to me.

“Your Cherine is not my daughter, she is not as gentle and has had to adapt to being with you.”

“That sounds like an accusation.” I smiled to take away the sting of my words and hide my reaction to her words.


“A statement of fact. Before I tell you what is on my mind, I want to be certain you understand that I can see the differences.”

I shrugged my shoulders. I did not feel I needed anyone telling me anything about my Cherine. I know her better than any two people have ever known each other.

“You are waiting for her to forgive you.” She got no response and bit her lip. “Have you considered the possibility that she may be waiting for you to forgive her?”

“What!?” I sat up in shock.

“You do not think she could be feeling guilty at how she treated you? She still is an eight year old?”

“Yes. Oh Marian, oh Marian…” I was trembling.

“I’m sorry Robert. I had not thought of this.”

All shattered! The past months of adjusting myself, facing the future that is empty of my love, every lie and fact I’d hidden from…if Marian is wrong, it is all undone.

Cher and Rob were there instantly and saw from our minds what had occurred. Cher silently wept as she stared at me. “My mother might be right. You must go to her.”

“She can only ask you to leave. You have to find her.” Rob said. Alki had arrived and nodded in agreement.

“How? Okay, I can find her - I hope. No, I will find her.”

I’d been thinking of my Cherine as she was before, with the additional fifteen years of experience. Where would my little girl go? How has she lived all this time, where did she find food, shelter? She could only have returned home or to the realities she knows. Or else she stayed here! I looked at Alki.

“Tell me if you need me, I have to return to my office…”

“Where Alki?”

“I said, at my office.”

“You gave her money…you do not have to answer. The fact that you cannot answer proves I’m right. I won’t even ask you where she is. I’ll find her.”

Suddenly I knew I had to be right. I hugged Cher and my trembling stopped. I jumped.

She was sitting on a rock and turning, stared at me.

“I came to apologise and to tell you I cannot live without you. Please forgive me.”

“So, you ate your tomato.”


She turned and looked out at sea, shrugging her tiny shoulders.


“You know. I had to allow you time to forgive me.”

“Cherine. Forgive you? How could I forgive you when I was the one who hurt you?”

“I know. That is why you needed time.”

I thought of the way I had phrased my words. “You were this wise by this age?” She turned to look again and I smiled. “No wonder I never had a chance.”

“Robert, I also needed this time to remember and understand. When I think of how I treated you after Laura…” she put her hand over her mouth.


“Never hide those lips from me, I need to see when they are ready to be kissed.”

I had thought I would be happy when I felt her in my arms again. It caught me by surprise when I began to sob, my arms squeezing her tightly. She also began to cry and then we saw each other and a glee washed through me and I began to laugh.

Those lips were ready to be kissed, but they did not wait for me to find out. It took a long time for us to settle with her lying on my lap, her body turned in to me as she buried herself against me.

“Do you really love me still?”

“How can you even wonder?”

“Then why are you still linked to her?”

“I was waiting for you to want me back. It has also been strangely interesting…useful. For years I’ve had my suspicions that the link is partly responsible for the way I love you. Now I know it is not. Even linked to Cher I feel how totally I belong to you.”


“Cherine?” I asked Cher.

As her link dissolved, my baby linked to me.

We sat for hours, the sun setting and the moon rising. The queen of night smiled down upon us and lit the waves so that they danced with joy for us. We did not need many words; the feeling of holding/being held and our thoughts and emoting took us back to a contentment that neither of us has felt for many months.

“You cannot know, even from looking in my mind, how desperately I’ve dreamt all these years of finding a way to remove all the pain and guilt you went through before we met. I see now that the need was mine, not yours. I was so happy when Laura removed them and I’m so sorry I had to give them back to you.”

“What happened to the rest?”

“I kept them. They are in the void.”

“Are you going to give them back also?”

“Why don’t we leave them where they are? If either of us feel they should be returned, it is agreed that they will be. At least I can feel that a tiny part of my dream was achieved. Does the absence of them affect you in any way?”

“I think so. Most of them are from my mother. I remember fearing and not liking her more than I do now.”

I turned her face up and she looked into my eyes, seeing the joy. “You do not need those baby. Your mother will be so happy.”

She buried her face against me and we sat listening to the waves.



“Shall we go home?”

“Tomorrow. Can we spend the night here?”

“If you let me do something about the piece of rock that is sticking up into my bum.”

She giggled and made a noise of assent, but did not move. She drifted into sleep and I sat there treasuring this time with her as I could not have before this episode with Laura.


I hope some of my feelings reached my Cherinian family of this world. I have realised again that all Cherinians of all realities are my family and I love them all.

We stayed a few days with Cher and Rob and met all the Cherinians as a way of showing them, letting them see and feel our joy and love. It was the only way I could pay them back for the misery I have spread among them when I was in pain. Cherine, her empathy helping her to understand the need, spent most of that time with Laura, leaving her heart soft and happy, all feelings of guilt washed away.

* * * * *

We arrived about a hundred metres above the houses. We hung there as I let Cherine absorb the difference. Though most buildings still stand, the neglect and damage outside the occupied ‘safe’ zone soon became obvious to our eyes.

“This is the world where Cherine tried to pass on her gifts to her world. You’ve seen the memories?”

“Yes. Will I also meet Richard?”

“They’ve seen us and are gathering in front of our house. I’ll see about Richard.”

We landed outside the crowd so as to walk inwards through them. I knew they all wanted to see us from close and greet us. Our alternates and family were waiting before their door, their faces reflecting the joy and welcome their minds were emoting. After kissing Cher I turned to the crowd.

“It is good to see you all again. I’m amazed at how far out you have spread. I know how much hard work and dedication that represents and I feel very proud of what Cherinians are capable of doing. We will be staying here, if Rob and Cherine don’t kick us out, for a week or so. You are all likely to be meeting us so I owe you an explanation of what some of you have already felt. Let me tell you of the attack by an alien and how it ended.” They listened enthralled as I told our story, sending pictures to their minds. When I ended they looked at Cherine, understanding now the difference they had felt.

Late that night when all had left, Rob spoke to my Cherine, his face tender. “Please stay as long as you can. Your Robert is not the only one who yearns for those first days of love. Feeling and sensing you as an eight year old, it is beautiful.”

“Cherine, we better leave tomorrow morning or else this Robert may try to steal you from me.”

“Not only him Robert. I might want to steal her too. I can’t believe I was like that. Cherine, no wonder all the Roberts fall in love with their Cherines.” I had a very happy little girl wriggling around on my lap and it was doing things to me. She felt it and smiled at me, her eyes amused, but darkening with her own desires. Kindly they let us go to bed.

“Are we likely to meet Richard?”

Robert replied, “He should be here late this afternoon. I’m certain he’s heard by now that you arrived.”

“The area Maria lived in, are there any settlers there?”

“No. Why would you want to go there?”

“We found a very special wife there. Cherine love, will you come with me?”

She stared at the steps going down and wrinkled her nose at the smell. She put her hand in mine and we climbed down. The door to her flat was worse for wear, but open. I stopped to remember the concrete floor I’d sat on and it seemed for a moment that I could hear her dear voice talking to me. We walked in and avoiding the dust everywhere we went into her bedroom. I closed the door behind us. Cherine looked up at me puzzled and I closed my mind as she tried to sense me.

“I would like you to wait here alone for a few minutes. I’ll be back just now.”

She let go my hand. “Is this a punishment?”

“No my love. This is a matter of the heart. Bear with me and I’ll explain just now.”


I walked out and closed the door. She stood a moment and then went to the cupboard and looked in. As she turned around she sensed movement. She looked at the bed and gave a start. She looked at the dirty face and the dark eyes that stared back at her.

“Are you supposed to be Maria?”

“You should not be in here.”

Cherine smiled and then saw how the shape within the filthy sheets ended long before it should. She sucked in her breath.

“Robert, don’t do this to me.”

“I am not Roberto Cherine. I am Maria. I am from the part of me, my soul, that I shared with him. I do not know why he wants to shame me by letting you see me like this.”

“Robert, this is cruel.”

I walked in. “Cruel my love? Look at our sweet wife. Do you only see the dirt and misshapen body? Feel her, see what it was about her that I fell in love with.”

Maria, strong as ever calmed down, understanding me. Despite the stench Cherine walked over to her and caressed her cheek.

“May I?” Maria nodded, her eyes watching Cherine for the revulsion she expected.

Cherine lifted the sheet and tears filled her eyes. I put my hand on her shoulder.

“You are the only one I could have shown this to.” Maria faded away with a smile of love in her eyes.

“Why Robert?”

“The empathy I have that opened my heart to her, comes from you. Look around you, when I found her she was older than you are and had spent her whole life in this room dreading the sound of footsteps unless it was her mother. Even her father only saw her as a monster. Think of that soul still sweet, fair and reaching out for love after all that. Can you understand now how special she is?”

She closed her eyes and swayed. I put my arm around her. “Come, let’s go.”

“No. Why did you show this to me, really.”

“With you I do not need to ask you to imagine what she went through, the pain and despair. How she must have cursed the day she was born. What I will ask you is, what if she met Laura. Would we be right to steal this part of her life from her?”

She stared up at me, her eyes large as tears spilled over and ran down her cheeks. She shook her head and a tear flew, landing on the bed. I wondered whether Maria would see, as I did, how precious that tear is.

“No Robert. We must not. This made her who she is. Now that you fixed her and she has you, you must not.”

“She has us my love. There is not one of us who does not love her.” I smiled. “If we argue, she always takes your side. Whenever we are in bed together, I keep on expecting her to check your bum for she seems to think the sun shines out of your arse.”

She took a second and then giggled. “And you?”

“Oh, I’ve checked. It does.”

When we got back home the others were curious about the way Cherine felt, but she did not want to share.

I saw that Cherine seemed to gravitate mostly towards Wendy. They softly exchanged confidences and giggled while I talked with the others.


“How would the two of you like to go on a picnic tomorrow?” They loved the idea, envisioning warm sunny beaches. “We’ll go to Scotland.”

“You’re crazy! It is freezing up there.”

“I know. Girls?”

“If you want to.”

Richard arrived that evening and it was not long before Wendy and Cherine were sitting by him chatting. He has the knack of making them laugh, despite his sense of humour being so dry, and I sensed that even Rob envies him his gift. I saw though that he was tired, strain showing in his eyes when he looked away from the girls.

“Richard, we are going to Scotland tomorrow, will you come with? I want the girls to see where I met you.”

“You want to embarrass me again I suppose.”

“I’m more likely to make a fool of myself.”

He laughed. “Aye, that is true.” Cherine playfully boxed his arm in revenge and he laughed. “What a miserable time to take them there. The winds are blowing and they cut through you…you will keep them warm?”

“As you say, aye.”

When asked about his latest trips, by Rob, his mouth tightened.

“The same. Hardly any children anywhere. They still fear that some wild mind may attack.”

“What do you tell them Richard?”

“What can I? I cannot guarantee them that no talent has escaped us. I cannot take the risk of children dying because of me.”

I pursed my lips and let my mind drift and the girls changed the conversation.

When we lay in bed Cherine lifted her head off my chest and looked me in the eyes.

“You’re going to play a trick on them?”

“You are turning into a suspicious blighter. You heard Richard, he said we would freeze and yet within his mind he saw it as beautiful. Perhaps it may help to try and see it through his eyes.”

She shook her head, her long hair tickling me and saying, “It’s a trick.” she lay down again.

I was amused when the two girls turned out in short summer frocks without even a jersey. Richard went the other extreme, but on seeing the girls he went and changed so that I was the only one dressed warmly. The three of them looked at me with suspicion.

“Richard, grab the picnic basket with one hand and a girl by the other.” Holding hands we jumped.

We arrived there as the sun was about to rise. Like a group of pagans we stood silently watching it. The wind was gusting, but as the sun appeared it settled and the calm was eerie. Wendy had come as an eight year old, so I had two girls just over hip height clinging to me. Richard did not look at us. He sat on a rock and stared at the sun as it gently brought to life the hillsides.

I kept a shield of energy around us as we walked, allowing it to warm us. We climbed to the top of a hill and stared about. I dropped the shield for a few seconds and everyone shivered at the sudden change. Cherine slapped my thigh and I laughed.

“This looks like the perfect spot for a picnic. I’d somehow expected it to look wilder Richard.”

“This land was not touched by men.”

Next [Book 04] - Post 066

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

9th November, 2019

  • posted on Steemit: 9th November, 2019

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