When Canadians return to their home country, Canada, they're federally kidnapped, imprisoned in Covid Concentration Camps for many days, and then charged at least $2,000. Wow. Justin is so liberal. Let's all move to the Land of the Moose. 2 masks at least says CDC. Go to their website and read the article.
Try To Withdraw Money
If you try to take your money out of your bank, they'll flag you, stick the IRS up your butt. Just try it, I dare you. When you try to withdraw cash, watch what happens, and don't get me started with if you ask for gold when you try to cash out. Paper money was supposed to be an "I-Owe-You" check which is supposed to be exchangeable for actual gold, a place-holder.
February of 2021
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2021-02-02 - Tuesday
Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-02 - Tuesday
Published in February of 2021
Biden, Harris, Napoleon Dynamite Voting Meme
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
Breaking News
Telling The Truth in a World of Lies
Covid News
For more info, please visit Banned Video
2 masks at least says CDC. Go to their website and read the article.
Oatmeal English
Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental
Oatmeal High Council
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Oatmeal Health
You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies
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CDC Says Masks
12:42 PM
CDC says you have to wear 2 masks.
Try To Cash Out
01:07 PM
If you try to take your money out of your bank, they'll flag you, stick the IRS up your butt. Just try it, I dare you. When you try to withdraw cash, watch what happens, and don't get me started with if you ask for gold when you try to cash out. Paper money was supposed to be an "I-Owe-You" check which is supposed to be exchangeable for actual gold, a place-holder.
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Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter
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Click on my avatar, my profile picture, to see my email, phone number, and blog. Add me on Google Hangout.
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Find me on other websites, other places, as well
2021-02-02 - Tuesday - 04:55 PM LMS JA - I joined ID . ME for the first time.
Amour Factory . com
2021-02-02 - Tuesday - 10:49 PM LMS JA - I created my 1st account on AmourFactory.com
Did Trump not want to be President while the system went down?
$100 USD in 1971 is worth $2 today in 2021. A grand in like say 1913, for example, would be worth possibly less than a penny today. Are you ready for super mega hyper-inflation coming globally in the next few months? Are you ready for a Texan Dollar and other independent currencies to rise from the ashes of the whole system burning to the ground? Can we blame Biden when the American Corporation, which we falsely call a nation, come crashing down? Are you prepared for a real Y2K?
This is financial advice. Hold onto as much as you can, gold, silver, other precious metals, Bitcoin, land, salt, food, water, solar power, essential assets, other things, etc, etc, hold on while the system crashes to the ground, I've been saying this at least since 2017, that is the past 5 years.
Millions to billions of people will be dying in the next few years, especially before 2025 even. You don't have to. You can save your family and friends from death. Your assignment should you choose to accept it is to spend each day of your life trying to find new creative ways to help save people from medical tyranny.
The dollar has been inflating like a balloon, eventually it pops like a bubble. How do you drain the swamp? You bankrupt it. You must endure through this dark winter which may last many years. We are in a Super Great Depression. Hold on as we make it through this Super Storm. Don't give up, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
When Canadians return to their home country, they're federally kidnapped, imprisoned in Covid Concentration Camps for many days, and then charged at least $2,000. Wow. Justin is so liberal. Let's all move to the Land of the Moose.
My life is on Hive Blog
06:37 PM
There, you can find a lot about me and then you could even steal my identity if you wanted to.
My name on my birth certificate is Joseph Scott Arnold.
My display name on most websites and social media is Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
X22 Report
Decisive Liberty
Lisa Haven
Charlie Ward
X22 Report
Steven Crowder
11:52 PM - WAR!! WALL STREET vs. MAIN STREET! | Louder with Crowder
Dear diary, got up at 09:40 AM, worked on my monthly and daily blog templates for February of 2021, meaning this current month. Wrote down my dream first. Now, it is 11:00 AM. A little coffee so far. Morning vitamins as usual. Scroll down to read about the dream. 12:15 PM, helped with loading a big music box and a smaller box of music related things into the white car. We had to find the smaller box, that look like 5 minutes. And then back to Mike Adams. Cloudy day. It was raining yesterday. Dishes from 02:07 PM to 03:05 PM, dishes, pans, sweeping, mopping, recyling, a birthday card and fifty bucks from dad in the mail. And you say you're not Pocahontas ahaha, Pocahontas would fish, ride horses, climb trees, etc. You are a real Indian or cowboy. I love the pets I've had like cats, dogs, snakes, guinea pigs, mice, hamsters, gerbils, lizards. More dishes close to like 8 PM.
Food Log
Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.
Breakfast: coffee around 10 AM. Grapes, 11am.
Lunch: Soup on potatoes, 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM. More coffee at 3 PM.
Dinner: Rice, chicken, some soup, around like 07:30 PM or so.
2021-02-02 - Tuesday - 09:40 AM LMS JA
"I've lost my body, I've lost my soul." I think that is the quote I said again and again at the very end. But I think I started saying at first just, "I lost my body." Meaning they were kicking and punching me. I felt like I was dying. I felt like I could not move my body as I was being beaten up to death. Now, you're wondering how I got here.
It all started in some random street. Well, I might as well have been in Portland, Oregon, USA. We were in some big city. Maybe Seattle, New York City, or maybe even Saigon. My guess is PDX if anything. I don't feel like or remember it being a collage of different cities. I was sitting down at an outside table with at least two other men. So, it was like an outside cafe. Not sure if we were eating or drinking or neither. We were talking to each other at night. I felt like many people were in the city passing by as it was a metropolis. There was one man straight across from me, 12 o'clock. Other guy, 6 o'clock to my right. The first man was insulting the second man who said some things. So, I think I was defending the second man. I was impersonating him. I was like, "Man, you don't like anything.... at least Simon Crowell was funny." I then did an impersonation of Simon mixed with like me, the second guy, and/or other people. It was a comedy skit I was performing to make a point. I was loud and annoying to draw a contrast between the first and how funny Simon was. The first guy didn't like what I was doing and the next thing I know there were several guys beating me up. The next thing I know, I am on the sidewalk, my body was numb. I couldn't control my body, all except my vocal cords. I cried out that I lost my body. And then, somehow, I woke up feeling like couldn't breath very well. But that was only a small problem. But also had a mild headache maybe from walking 2 miles yesterday in the rain. Maybe I need more sleep from not getting so much the past several days. Maybe it was also all the hard work since Friday through to Sunday, cutting down several trees with a friend, tending the 2 camp fires. My body, my arms and legs especially, are sore. Breath in and breath out. I drank or drunk some water.
CDC requires wearing of face masks while on public transportation and at transportation hubs