ALOK implied that prepubescent girls getting molested in bathrooms isn't a concern - That in itself is reason for concern!
Below us a verified quote from ALOK. The only inaccuracies in the image are that along with "kinky" he also referred to girls as "trans" and "deviant"; also, he isn't a "trans" writer as he identifies as "non-binary" and prefers "they/them" pronouns. I'll refer to him with "he/him" pronouns in that no single person on earth is a "they" and I won't adjust my language to conform to the will of a diddler.
Is this offense archaeology in that he wrote this a few years ago and never suffered any consequences? No, I don't think so. There's no record of him ever apologizing or retracting what he said. Average people have become targets of online mobs for one bad tweet and lost jobs. Demi Lovato just had ALOK on her channel recently. It doesn't seem that ALOK is suffering any consequences. More so, a tirade like this tells you something about his character. That a grown man could think of the word "kinky" to describe a prepubescent girl and share that thought with the world tells you something.
The silence among the "allies" about this is deafening. Apparently the "allies" think that Caitlyn Jenner being a Republican hurts the trans community more than an advocate who, rather than dispelling the myth that trans people want to use the girl's room to assault children, decided to bolster it.
Finally, Twitter isn't just defending him - it has banned people for calling him out. If cancel culture should be a thing it should be going in the opposite fucking direction as fast as possible.