Okay, so my whole childhood it was drilled into my head that "No, means no!"
So I listened. When a chick said no, I stopped no matter how far along into things we had progressed. I had one girl all naked and tied up, she wanted me to show her, and as soon as she managed to tell me to stop and that she had a boyfriend, I stopped. I left her tied up, rubbed one out in the bathroom, smoked a bowl, and untied her and we "talked".
She still sorta talks to me...
More often than not, I got the whole "I didn't really mean to stop" and I would throw these confusing b*tches out of my house.
I really haven't been very much interested in sex since the nerve damage I got in service to the Empire. I have blue balled so many chicks it's actually kinda funny. I just wanted to learn how to pick up chicks to know I could do it... It became like a hobby when I was sober and still going to the bars every Friday and Saturday nights.
Anyway, I have now Twice been accused of "Sexual Assualt", when I did what I was fcking trained to do. I stopped when told no and still get sht for it.
Now, I understand that context is everything. I didn't meet these women in a dark alley. We had already been talking and flirting for weeks.
The first one of these chicks was the Battle Hippe Voodoo. We were cuddling and watching movies. I went for it and we started to wrestle, she said stop, I stopped, we finished the movie cuddle session, she hugged me as I was leaving, and I went home.
Next thing I know I am being accused of forcing myself on her, people are all pissed, and I get jumped at a bar... I was sober, pissed, and had been training hard. They got f*cked up lol
I ended up having Voodoo living with me 2 years later when she was dating my roommate... That was weird.
The other girl that screwed my head up was all pissed that I tried to kiss her a couple times while blackout drunk... In a short bus parked in the middle of the desert with multiple witnesses that said she overreacted and freaked out.
I tried to kiss a girl who rode my short bus lol
If I was a bad guy that situation could have been really bad but all I did was crawl to my shack on top of the bus and pass out.
Now, almost 2 years later, she and some other looser have formed some butt hurt coalition to destroy me via facebook and I am forced to relive that sh*t show.
I am no politician, I have nothing to hide. I have done a lot of nasty sh*t and I am not proud of it but I will man up to it. I adult, do you?
People call me dangerous but I am just real.