The quality of a human mind and heart is independent of gender.
I’ve had a bottle of decent Cab, so I’m going to dispense with polite.
An absolutely stand up young woman I know (bright, industrious, hardworking, dedicated), just missed out on an ROTC opportunity because she’s a female. Intelligent, driven, leadership qualities, has advanced quickly... but this commander is looking for men.... Men’s men... men who are eager to kill.
I’m not much of a feminist, but I’m an elitist snob from Hell. Our race needs every bright, driven mind it can get. Those minds are few and far between... and of those few worthy minds, half of them are in bodies that have ovaries.
Stop being morons, you testosterone laden jackasses. I’ve spent my career and risked my life along-side great souls that had more to give to humanity on their worst days than you have on your best.
And half of them were women.
We need all competent hands on deck.