Lilith is simply the feminine part (yin) to the masculin (yang) of the original androgynous human, Adam Kadmon, the one created by God on the sixth day, Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
There are two genders male and female Created were they in the image of God. Everything comes in pairs, thus the options that are arising from the initial male / female dichotomy is either male and female separately in different bodies or together in one, hence the androgen, the initial state of our being as reflected by the first Creation story in Genesis 1:27, then the second story of creation of Adam and Eve from his rib is reference to the separation of the genders in their respective bodies. This takes place with Lord God aka Jehovah, god of light, boundaries and separation, in charge according to the bible.
Men are genetic mutation from women not the other way around as the Satanic bible will have you beLIEve.
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