"Sex for one night."

in #sex8 years ago

To carry out erotic dreams, sex for sex, to feel at least some diversity, but you never know the light of the reasons which push a woman into the arms of a stranger. The main thing that this story had a happy ending.

In order for a spicy adventure turned into a nightmare all your life, I advise you to remember that men and women have different opinions of your Dating experience "for one night". Most men are happy with the affair and are happy to talk about her right and left. Women on the contrary — I feel used. To mitigate this unpleasant osadochek will help compliance with the following rules:

Natural "selection"
For the success of the event it is necessary, first, to evaluate the possible candidate. Ideally, it should be:
Not married.
Quite attractive: don't look for alcohol. It is unlikely that someone who seemed to be unsympathetic from the very beginning of Dating, two cocktail will be prettier. It is possible that in five to you will still. But you still decide what you want more — to get drunk or have sex?
As far from your usual circle of friends. To sit at a meeting and think it is not about business, but about what he thinks about you to a colleague with whom you last met in bed, not a pleasant occupation. Just as regularly to face with him at the bar.

Neutral territory
Question "my place or yours?" obviously contains only two versions of events. Typically, such verbal constructions cleverly used mom's, dealing with naughty children, giving the illusory freedom of choice. Offer his version: "the hotel" will be safe. No need to think who you slept on these sheets, used the bathroom, etc. If for whatever reason the hotel does not work, go to him. Only pre-inform someone you trust where and with whom going. Leave ways of retreat in case something goes wrong, to run itself easier than to expel the middle of the night a "guest" of the apartment. In addition, you will surely be able to avoid unauthorized visits.

Only safe sex
Do not play with fire, take care of their health, money and nerves and don't be afraid to be a wet blanket when it comes to issues of protection. Even if you are sure that the eye is able to distinguish between HIV-positive man from healthy, think about whether you need a very dubious bonus in the form of gonorrhea or "invisible" from time to time ureoplazmoz. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are very "inventive", trying to paint, why can't they use a condom.
-"I don't feel anything!". 11 minutes in bed with the "antiprism and the pea" is adequate to the cost of the party Russian roulette? Of course not.
-"So I drop!". In this case, with the unfortunate powinienem better to leave. You don't have to solve his sexual problems.
-"I can't have children." Not the fact that after the sexual contact. you won't have other problems that are not shameful to discuss is that with the familiar venereal diseases.
A short but very capacious phrase "Or so — or no" can save you from mass discomfort in the future.

No "touchy-feely"
Sex for one night is not a romance in any of its manifestations. Save affectionate nicknames, affectionate hugs and sex position "Spoons" for a loved one. Otherwise, you run the risk of not a joke to frighten the man sharing the bed. Don't be surprised if after these "calf tenderness" he abruptly distanciruemsa and suddenly "remember" about a mountain of urgent tasks.

No confessions
The temptation to speak out on the shoulder of a great stranger to complain about life, luck, ex, problems at work. But for these purposes it is better to visit a shrink. Otherwise, the "companion effect" will ruin the script is beautiful, albeit short, erotic film. Do not ask the partner about the individual: a knowledge — many sorrows. You this information is absolutely useless.

Play by the rules
You do not want the charm of the night vanished?
Don't stay until morning, sleep can be at home. Want, consider Cinderella, the heroine of the song Chizh "You left early in the morning, just after six" - no matter how important to be able to put a logical point.
Don't forget your keys, lens, mobile, earrings or purse to avoid temptation for them to return.
Do not give your phone number! If you think that your "relationship" has a future, or at least Express mail.
Don't take his promises to call, to write, to arrange a meeting "ASAP" at face value.

Not to fall in love
A very short and difficult to implement the rule. A man, asleep after rough sex, sometimes looks so touching, so helpless.... As it is not difficult, have to "turn on" the brain and to separate flies from cutlets, and the play of hormones from the manifestations of these feelings. However, if you adhere to rule No. 6, it will be a little easier.
Source: http://www.sunhome.ru/psychology/16592


Original source not cited, the source cited is not the one used to translate the the article from: http://ivona.bigmir.net/psihologia/relate/14813-pravila-seksa-na-odnu-noch

Please don't flag this one. It's a classic 😀

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