5 Things You Should Be Doing To Cleanse Your Sexual Aura

in #sex7 years ago

If you think you might need to cleanse your sexual aura of all of the energetic influences from the past, you’re probably correct! Don’t worry, it’s very easy and liberating to do so. Here’s how!

  1. Stray From Negative Individuals
    Having sex is much more relevant than just the physical properties of disease and reproduction. It’s urgent to your health and peace of mind that you stay away from negative individuals and especially not having sex with them. Do not engage in any sexual nature with a negative person because they leave bold traces of their negativity on you that can be extremely difficult to surface and eliminate. You can avoid this firsthand by staying away from negative people.
  2. Meditate
    Meditation has massive amounts of benefits, all physically, mentally, and spiritually. By meditating on your sexual aura you can cleanse it of the negative properties your partners have left behind. It allows your true positive nature to resurface and alleviate the lingering negativity from the exes we prefer not to talk about! Close your eyes, focus on your breathing and visualize your sexual aura being stripped of the negativity. It’s liberating and very helpful!
  3. Be One With Emotions
    A lot of the time our sexual aura can manifest negatively as the horrific emotions, open wounds, and scars left behind by past loved ones. By being one with your emotions and letting yourself feel the way you do you can kick the negative thoughts and overcome the emotions brought about by the ones who’ve taken advantage of us sexually and emotionally.
  4. Heal And Move On
    You must heal yourself to completely rid yourself of the negative impacts of your past lovers or sexual partners. You must come to terms with the relevant even if it isn’t pleasant. Face your emotions and feelings head on and overcome them. This is dethreading yourself of the marionettes constructed by abusive past lovers.
  5. Cut Etherical Cords
    You must cut the etheric cords of attachment to other individuals so that your self-appreciation and perception can rise up without the outside influence of people who never deserved you. You must cut the cord of energetic attachment to another person. You will no longer rely on these people for self-appreciation, contentedness, or love. Call out to your spiritual guide and guardian angels to help you cut the energetic cord of attachment, ridding their energy from our aural field forever! Finally set yourself free!young-passion-picture-id504635504.jpeg1-82aP4WIWXCVDp8xmWxfaPQ-e1506079740286.jpeg

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