What are the greatest pleasures of human existence?

in #sex9 years ago (edited)


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What are the greatest pleasures of human existence?
Jason Hommel
Jason Hommel, writer at silverstockreport.com, bibleprophesy.org, fixjointpain.com

  1. Sex. I see many answers that don't include sex, and many answers that do. So, the way I see it, too many people are embarrassed to admit sex, or they have horrible sex lives, which I suppose is another possibility. Or, perhaps they assume that sex is too obvious of an answer, and so they start listing all the other stuff. I find reading the personals on dating sites sort of funny. When people answer "what do you like to do", so few ever list sex. It's always, walks, music, hanging out with friends and/or family, or wine. Yeah, right. That's why you are on a dating site, to find a "music buddy". Ok. Go with that...

  2. There was one time in my life when sex was not number one, and that was when I was a ski racer. The art of making fantastic world class racing turns on the ski slope is so beautiful, so exhilarating, so empowering, so liberating. I can't fly, but it's like flying. But even then, I counted sex as number two.

  3. As I have gotten older, something new has come up that does, in fact, compete with the first two, and I don't see it listed by any other people. I treasure insights. Original thoughts that then turn out to be correct. These are rare moments and don't come along very often. Very exhilarating, extremely satisfying. They usually come after long study, after much thinking about the problem. Sometimes, they come after up to ten years of studying and thinking about something. So rare. So wonderful. Imagine looking for an answer, and nobody on earth has it, and then, finally, you find it, inside your own brain after all that time! Then, you will have something interesting to write about.

  4. Giving an outstanding public speech. Public speaking is hard enough on the nerves, most people don't like it. They would rather be dead. But it's important to master your own nerves, if only so you can share what you have learned with others. When people come up to you afterwards to tell you how much they learned, experts in their field, well known experts... And you are left almost stunned, speechless yourself, because you were sharing some of those insights I just mentioned... Well, unfortunately, I guess I didn't know how to handle that, and I would typically drink afterwards to celebrate, oops, which leads me to:

  5. It has to be drugs. So addictive. People return to it again and again, and do great harm to themselves. I'm afraid of drugs. And yet, I actually fell into alcoholism for a year. And it wasn't that great, but I had to quit! Had to. I was wrecking my brain and my health, and for what? To "bliss out", to "relax"?, and yet, I had developed a tolerance and felt rather sober after a few "big" strong drinks. Not good.

  6. Something that competes with insights is "discovering truth" that others are sharing. This is less exciting, because it's right there, and you are too busy learning to be excited about being maybe the only one who knows something. Having insights and discovering truth on your own is harder; it's like going out on a limb, and far more rare.

  7. Sprinting. Lifting weights can sometimes be awesome, but a sprint workout, ten times the 100 yard dash, gets the blood pumping like nothing else can. It's so pleasing to know I can still do this, at age 45, too. Well, I'm 46 now I guess. And I have not sprinted since last summer. I should do this more. Sometimes it hurts for a few days afterwards. I suppose if I ease into it, do it more regularly...

  8. Getting a solid pump from lifting weights. When you are about 6 months into lifting regularly, and putting on solid gains, and boom your muscles just start swelling up and get so freaking tight after a workout, you feel so super strong, almost "too" strong, almost "too" big. Yeah, I need to get back into this, too.

  9. Falling in love. It shouldn't be this way. It should be "staying in love". Or "falling more deeply in love". I suppose I have had very few times of "falling more deeply in love" because it never really has worked out for me and I find myself single again.

  10. Writing. I don't know why. What does it feel like to write? For me, I suppose it's because I've been doing it for a long time, it's gotten rather easy. For me, now it's like "brain breathing" but only the exhale. The insights are the inhale. It's something exhilarating.


Cool, can you verify you are the same person?

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