The Pussy Is The Most Disgusting Thing In The World [Sexual Dilemma 9]

in #sex7 years ago (edited)

A Strange Delirium

To me, the vagina was merely a bleeding bundle of goo, piss and other dirty bodily fluids

Ever since I was a child I always found the desire for pussy to be some of the most strange things in the whole world. I could not understand what the deal was, and what people found so attractive about it. To me, the vagina was merely a bleeding bundle of goo, piss and other dirty bodily fluids, and I always squirmed when I looked at it, and so I avoided doing just that. Don't get me wrong, I am 100% straight - it's not that I don't like girls, that is. My main point is that I can't understand it. I would cum just from looking at (in my opinion) perfect breasts, while I almost puked when someone showed their vagina. It was a thing which lacked logic, and I always imagined, when I would have sex for the first time, that I would try my best to ignore it and not think about its existence; to shut it out of my mind.

What Is It For?

I would cum just from looking at perfect breasts

If a man can cum just from the sight of beautiful breasts, then what purpose does a pussy hold for him? Why does a hole around his cock need to be the centerpiece of attention and attraction in terms of the female sex? So, to be perfectly honest, I honestly don't seem to be able to find any biological reasons for why some humans find the cunt arousing or, God forbid, even beautiful. It's a hole of shit and piss, plus some other types of body liquids that should not even be possible in this universe. If that attracts you, what's next? The popping of  zits and the arousal of what comes out of them? Yuck! I just don't fucking get it! Damnit!

/Specialized Sexualized EddieKnockLife!



And what do you love now?

you think poop comes out of there? did you mean to say that?

Many girls have no clue how to wife an ass.

I'm sorry for you, my friend.

Sorry for what? For not getting horny from a pork chop dripping of sweat, piss and shit?

You've obviously never been hot enough for a girl to appreciate the power of the pussy.
Ive even eaten a few out, the women love it so the sex is ten times better.
Maybe one day you'll get it.

There is nothing wrong with the womans vagina. Most woman actually have good hygiene. Remember i wrote"most" because there may be certain circumstances which prevent the best hygiene. Yes, i love almost every detail of the woman. Let's not hold yourself from what is good. Just enjoy it and one day you will have lots more fun.

To me the pussy is the part of the woman that tells my brain im about to get some pussy, personally i get so horny at the sight of it that what comes out of it dosent even matter,its what im about to put into it that matters.
Anyway a mans cock can be pretty rancid at the best of times too,it spends all day folded up in sweaty pants only to be taken out for a quick piss or a jerk ,both of which add some stink of there own to the mix.
So i suppose the question could also be asked.." Is the cock the most disgusting thing in the world? "
But for some reason my friend,you prefer cock to pussy .

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