Yoga for better S E X
I’ve always said that if everyone practiced yoga, this world would be a better place. The benefits are countless, especially when we consider the secondary perks. I’m talking about better sex. 😉
To support and enhance the sexual experience through yoga we explore the root and sacral chakras (energy centres).
These postures are not a magic potion or a little happy pill that will magically transform you into a sex god or goddess. Practice is the key to success!
The root chakra grounds us to our earthly experience, keeping mind and body focused. And the sacral chakra motivates sexual adventures. The following are just a few postures that will naturally enhance your libido:
Upward Facing Dog
Ūrdhva mukha śvānāsana
Sanskrit: ऊर्ध्वमुखश्वानासन
Sanskrit: पद्मासन
Lotus modified
Lunge or Low Lunge pose
Sanskrit: अंजनेयासन
Standing Backbend Pose
Camel Pose
Sanskrit: उष्ट्रासन
Wheel pose or Upward-Facing Bow
Chakrasana or Urdva Dhanurasana
Sanskrit: चक्रासन or Sanskrit: ऊर्ध्वधनुरासन
Half Moon Pose
Ardha Chandrasana
Sanskrit: अर्धचन्द्रासन
Be well and have fun!
Sincerely yours,
Daniela D.
Wow nice!
Yoga sex is really good.