Sewing together the two dimensions
I love to sew!♡
As a kid I had much less patience, then I do these days so its almost meditative to process and complete an entire project.
(Cosplay is so much fun)
When it comes to societal division, I always sought to bridge the divisions to restore harmony conflict wise out in the world.
Before my move we jumped back to explore the libretarian perception.
Vs the depeneent on the system hand out perception.
Its beautiful because often one side will hate the other, but I love finding the gold amongst the ideas.
No side is usually wrong entirely either, so shutting out opposing view points because of our political alleigance is what creates an energy of war.
We're going to focus on a series that we invite you all to participate in, to help broaden the perspective and really embrace the discussion.
Please follow my main account @x0xkasumix0x
Here for these future posts.
Left or right?
Are two halves to a whole.
Lets broaden our perspective together and use what works to heal on world from both sides.
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