Hi everyone. Steemit is where we share and create informative and educative content for all readers. therefore, sevenfingers built a great team of great creators and we summarize their writing in Sevenfingers Creators Weekly. this is a bulletin of content already creatd by our creator and we make weekly reports for the 3 best post they have created.
SevenFingers Creators is a person who has become a model for sevenfingers community in guiding beginners in creating content as well as maintaining the quality of sevenfingers tags to be filled with content that is worth reading.

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Speaking of male conquerors, maybe a woman is one of the best icons ever. True, even the king even had time to pray with dark words about the ideal cradle. Not about his greatness, but because of his expertise in subduing words, maybe also beauty, or because lust is increasingly dangerous. Because it is not permanent, you will face, you will spend a lot of time, energy, and of course to embezzle all your possessions. You might also call it a woman around the world, even though it's wrong. Because it needs to be reviewed, that you are a person who unwittingly is ready to accept that fact. Don't blame the rain if you get wet, but blame yourself for imperfect preparation.
Struggle, how you will ensure that you are struggling, or only limited to words that lead to irregularities. Don't get bored, struggle is everything to victory. Because enjoying the results of the process will be more beautiful than the results of luck. At first glance it is true, luck will be very simple compared to rude efforts, hard work to determine the results. And if the results are not matched by struggle, then there will be a very unwanted feeling, right. He was disappointed, this word did look normal when distinguished by the word angry, but this feeling would be more meaningful than the word angry. Because if you compare, people who succeed with luck are far less classy than those who are struggling, then why can he enjoy sweet results very easily, while I have struggled for it.
Power, so many people who pursue glory, want some things that will become rich. Assets, not even more than anything that has ever existed. Because we assume that wealth can provide pleasure, comfort and offer millions of tempting powders for women. Some of us believe that you can live according to your wishes. Although not, everything is neatly arranged, only your job is to prove the situation. Sometimes we are too busy pursuing reputation until we forget how important it is to save energy, how not. Day and night someone works only to pursue wealth, not even a few who pursue a reputation for pride. Isn't your time set up? If your day works, your night is the right time to gather energy for tomorrow.

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A follow-up report on anti-corruption socialization that I followed in 2006. The 20th article discusses, what if there were indications of corruption committed by foreign donors.
"There was once an indication of corruption in an international NGO. But when we investigated, they said that they had their own controllers. So there is an impression, we cannot handle indications of corruption in their bodies, "said the prosecutor during a meeting with the District Attorney Office and the Aceh Jaya Police Preparatory Resort.
Amien said that such a case cannot be used as an approach to the detriment of state finances. Because, there are donors who provide assistance but do not enter into the state treasury, because they are directly managed by themselves. But there are also donors who distribute aid but enter the state treasury. "Don't use the approach to the detriment of state finances," he advised.

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Azhari, my friend just received the Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa award for the 18 Prose categories for his novel "Kura-Torto Berjanggut"
The award was given Wednesday night October 10, 2018 at Plaza Senayan, Jakarta. In addition to Azhari, there is an award for the Poetry category achieved by Avianti Armand with the work of the "Museum of Childhood" and the category of the First Work or Second Work achieved by Rio Johan.
Bearded Turtles, Azhari's work is a novel nearly a thousand pages thick which was launched last April 2018.
Congratulations to you and keep working. []

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Born on September 2, 1963, the Faculty of Engineering became the fourth faculty to stand at Syiah Kuala University. Initially only one department, Civil Engineering. The Faculty then developed itself, opened the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering in 1977. Demands of the era, after the Arun gas field, Lhokseumawe, was discovered. As usual, lack of lecturers is the initial obstacle to the new department. Some lecturers were hijacked from outside, Cut Aisyah was one of them. He still remembers when he was invited to return to Aceh for the first time to strengthen the Chemical Engineering Department. At that time, his activities as a lecturer at the University of North Sumatra (USU), after completing college at the same campus, majoring in Chemistry and Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The invitation came in 1981, directly from the Chancellor Ibrahim Hasan after being overwhelmed by the search for Acehnese sons and daughters, understanding the laboratory. Chemical Engineering has been built, but the laboratory is not maintained. In addition to Engineering, the MIPA Faculty also needs energy.

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Blue light will be very dangerous if we often touch directly with electronic devices. This of course will interfere with the health of our eyeballs. One type of disease that can be caused by blue light is Age-Related Macular Degeneration. This disease is damage that occurs in the retina that can cause vision loss. Based on this, one step is needed to avoid dangerous diseases. One action is needed to be able to apply a healthy lifestyle. There are several ways we can apply to avoid blue light. Some of the following ways can be guidelines that we can apply in carrying out routines.

image by pixabay
We have entered the world space that moves in the lap of time. Time travel has suppressed all human activities that move simultaneously in technological progress. The era of globalization that entered the world of millennialism as we experience it today has changed several reforms that have impact on human life. Specially designed robots have increased the number of items produced. On the one hand, there is a pretty good impact on the use of robots in the industry. However, at the next level it is feared that it will have a negative impact on human roles. Humans becomes carcasses, corpses and can't do anything. Of course there are advantages and disadvantages in every tool or machine production. Humans must want themselves to be wise to control robots. Humans also has a role to be able to create new breakthroughs by not ruling out human conscience.

image by pixabay
Indonesia is a country that is vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. In my investigation I discovered that one of the causes of Indonesia was experiencing earthquakes and had many volcanoes, because Indonesia was located in the middle of the Pacific Ring of Fire. This area is known as a place that is prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. In addition to knowing about the basic description of earthquakes in certain concepts and theories, it will be more effective if this lesson is directly connected with natural phenomena that occur in the community's life environment. Previous students knew how to evacuate during an earthquake, the smaller the potential for victims to arise after an earthquake. Earthquake events can occur anytime and anywhere, even when they are far from their parents. I have several suggestions that can be used during simulation activities. An earthquake that can occur anywhere and anytime requires us to always be ready to deal with it. For that, understand some ways to save yourself during an earthquake which I will explain below:

Poetry entitled stringing cracked mirrors is a poem that tells a story in everyday life. There's lifted from the arrogant and arrogant nature of a person who is a character in this poem. What he did wasn't able to be a role model. Comparing social status in a relationship is a wrong act that hurts others, and worsens a relationship. Especially by discussing it in general portions. All of us always try to do our best. Trying as best you can keep going forward, but not by elbowing and insulting others so that we look better. Instead, we will get the opposite, people will be reluctant to admit what we have got because of unpleasant treatment. Every person were wanted a better life, in relationships and social status. However, all the differences that exist do not mean that a person can act at will without thinking about the feelings of others. Complementary and respectful are the solutions to a peaceful and harmonious life.
Love a meaningful word. Love is like a lantern that makes life more colorful. We have all come to this world because of love. Every human being has their own interpretation of the meaning of the word love. However, not all can fully understand the true meaning. Me, you and they only interpret according to their abilities and what they feel. When we explore deeper that love is the most beautiful gift from God, we will find the answer that love is a gift from God. He will give our life happily with love or a part of life languishing without love. Love is life and eternal. If we are people who are lucky to get it, it means we will live happily forever in God's love.

Thank you for looking at the summary of content already created by sevenfingers creators. this bulletin has been written and noticed by all creators above. hopefully with this creators can try to keep making great content every day and become a model for other creators.
This proves if sevenfingers are serious and highly appreciative of content creators in providing information and will continue to be a great community to help newbies and help great creators achieve success.
Author: SevenFingers Creators
Chief Editor: @pojan | @ponpase
Courtesy : @arie.steem | @coretan | @podanrj | @team2dev

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://blog.sevenfingers.io/2018/10/16/sevenfingers-creators-weekly-content-bulletin-18/
Bereh 7.. terus berkarya untuk menciptakan penulis luarbiasa !!
@sevenfingers makin berjaya
Sukses selalu dan jadi yang terbaik :) @sevenfingers
Semoga sevenfingers dan team selalu diberikan kebaikan kebaikan, semoga berkah .. amiin @sevenfingers
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