Seven Day Black & White Challenge Day 7: Delusions of Grandeur @onceuponatime (reprise)


The Challenge:
-- 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life --
-- Present one image every day for 7 days --
-- No people --
-- No explanation --
-- Nominate someone every day, although anyone can join in --
-- Use the tag #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags --

Thanks for challenging me @mariandavp.
Today I challenge @sthitaprajna to join!


This post concludes my sojourn in the Seven Day Black & White Challenge

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to have a look!

and once again a special thank you to @mariandavp for challenging me!


p.s. today's post is meant to cunningly echo my previous post:

Delusions of Grandeur

over and out


Ok @onceuponatime I accept the challenge and will come back with my own theme of seven day b&w challenge .

Thank you

Your comment spam is getting to be too much. I see you have made this same comment on many other posts today. It adds nothing to the converstion, and it is really nnoying that you have made it as a comment to the top comment. Downvoted.

haha, with the whale, very cool!

I want “George” the whale to come and live with me. So cute. Fab photo.

But would George feel the same way? Unrequited love is such a bitch!

Haha it’s the worst :-)

It might be too over-whale-ming for George to relocate. Enjoy him!

Have you any idea how big a whale's heart is? George's has been broken a couple of times and it takes him years to get over. So I have advised him to be careful, don't rush into anything, and do NOT get over-whale-med by the first pretty face that calls him "cute" and asks him to move in with her.

Poor George. That’s great advice - no girl should ever make him blubber :-)

Good to hear. Thanks for the fun chat. Happy holidays to you, and of course, George.

@onceuponatime Love your little whale ;-) I want one too 😓😓😔😔😦😦😟😟

Would you have a whale of a time if you had your very own little whale? Stupid question. For sure you would :-)

@onceuponatime Hell yeah I would 😊😉 Hope I will own a little whale one day 😶Damn I want one 😢😢😢

Thanks a ton for the support 😘😘😘😘😘😘

"Over and out", yeah... I have still 4 days, mmmh... have to think about good shots ;-)

When did mannequins start thinking? You're not going to turn into want of those (censored) robots that they have started advertising, are you?

Ops... I have to check if I have a heart... and a brain :-)

The think the whale is peacefully sleaping because the whale knows the steem is firmly above 3 usd its time to take a nap.

There is illusion in delusion.

And there is confusion in illusion. It's a vicious circle.

ohhhhhhhhhh great @onceuponatime your nice click for Seven Day Black & White Challenge, and i say: Whale created "small whale".
love your effort.

Ah hah. You have done very whale to consider my small whale to be whale created.

Hahaha, just love it.

Intreresnaya creative fish. I would call your photo "knitted whale" :)

I think we should just call him "George"

Nice love that whale and your photography awesome

Wow this is amazing! I already accepted your challenge and now I have to wait 5 more days :D
Great photography you made as Day #7!


I knew you could rise to the occasion :-)

Still trying to figuring out what should shot tomorrow! After this challenge I will buy a camera or a good camera phone! At the moment I am using one of my good friends camera for this purpose! Not a very good one, but can be managed :D I never thought you will challenge me! Actually it's a honor to me!
Thank you!


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