Seven Day - Black & White Challenge – Day 1
Thank you for thinking at me @dancarp13
She is like my baby, it is not about cat is her behaviour that is surprising me everyday. My little Fuffly (her name).
Photo made by @dancarp13
Rules of this challenge are:
• 7 black and white images that represent an aspect of your life
• Present one image every day for 7 days
• No people
• No explanation
• Nominate someone every day (but anyone can join the fun)
• Use the tag #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your 5 tags.
Today I nominate @laurentiu.negrea
Enjoy! :)
lol what an awesome name My little Fuffly first time hearing that, I not in a contest I just read your post and the name of your cat is super amusing, is her full name is little Fluffy or just fluffy? s just Fluffy...cause guess what..she is fluffy indeed 😂 ...thank you for passing by, friend!
I bet you doing this sometimes to your cat
hahhahahhaahah..of course!
Haha I knew it:-)