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RE: The Seven Day Beer Challenge 4# - Spartan Beer

Haha. I can't afford beer in times like this man! And as a modern viking, I'm a fragile health nut who would get anxiety from drinking alcoholic beverages every day for a week! Madness!

But my good friend @deismac is an aspiring alcoholic (he will of course deny that, which is the best proof that he actually is an aspiring alcoholic) , and I'm sure HE will accept the challenge. He's a much better Viking than me, even though he's half muslim. (Yup, muslim is a race) He lives in a redneck trailer home in the backwoods of Norway where he is raising chickens and trading cryptos at day - and in the evening he's a salesman with a tesla. Quite the viking equivalent of Clark Kent. SuperMuslimMan maybe..

I'm not sure if you accept half turkish people from the muslim race in your contest though. And to be honest, between you and me..I totally understand if you don't!

I do however greet thou with thee outmostest of gratitude for nominating this humbelestest of vikings to your most splendid contest good sire. I bid you that it will fare thee well and that alcoholism in the most outmost way will not be the result of this fine contest my young lad!


This is what you get when you have a self-proclaimed viking, that in reality is a half vegan health hippie, and you come by and beat them in cross country skiing "despite" eating loads of meat and with tar infested nicotine lungs. Insallah.


Haha, you're not even close to beating me lol. Lies. Typical muslim. He goes on these short trips like 6km and brags about 10,2-10,3 km/h speeds. I'm close to 12kmt average speed for 10-15km. And I probably have inherited heart failure going on!

Odin er størst!

Sure thing, although I have never interacted with him XD Well, @deismac if you read this, you are challenged!

And don't worry about your health so much! Multiple studies have shown that one (just one!) drink per day has multiple health benefits :P

And also worrying about your health is probably the worst thing for your health :)

One drink of red wine that is, if im not mistaken! I drink a small glass of red wine every day to get those special antioxidants. Just like one tiny glass. I have successfully reduced my tolerance level of alcohol to a very low one. Or at least I've learned to notice the subtle differences in mood change and bodily perception better.

Arrrrr! Out on a viking raid we go! lol

"People who drink wine, liquor or beer regularly are less prone to heart failure and heart attacks than those who rarely or never drink. Three to five drinks a week can be good for your heart."

I can't find more, but probably I won't convince you XD

Thanks for the challenge! :) As @scandinavianlife says, I would normally be having no trouble jumping in on such a challenge. But since the I have some health hippie to beat in cross country skiing, I have decided to go all in. The beer wouldn't be any problem in that sense, but quitting smoking will be close to impossible in that conjunction.

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