Seven (7) snacks to lose weight. Give it a try.

in #seven8 years ago

7 snacks to lose weight

We must be realistic: if your stomach is snarling and you lack more than an hour for lunch, a handful of baby carrots do not avoid that.

And not only because they lack of proteins and fat you need. Sometimes the celery stalks are not sufficient, which can leave you wanting to devour a bag of chips. The next time you need a snack that leave you satisfied, you have to look for one of these delicious options.


The chestnuts are in all the lists to lose weight, and for a good reason: are full of protein and healthy fats, which, as has been demonstrated in study after study, help people remain satisfied by more time. Then why pistachios instead of the usual almonds? Are low in calories, so that you can eat a little more. And having to remove its hull one by one more time-consuming, so your snack will last longer.


Avocado With Sauce The Avocado is a delicious source of healthy fats. The research suggests that also will leave you less interested in eating for up to five hours. In spite of the fact that the Avocado is high in fat, hardly exceed the caloric account, half an avocado has about the same number of calories that a handful of walnuts. In addition, sauce will give you more taste or flavor than the typical pinch of salt.


Do not think of it as part of the diet of your grandmother. Think of this as a powerful snack that will keep you busy for quite a while. A cup of 160-calories from low-fat cottage cheese, contains 28 grams of protein, which is 5 grams more that one cup of yogurt Greek low in fat. A pinch of cinnamon helps to keep things interesting and creates a trick in your palate that makes you think you are eating something sweet.


Olives are great for those moments in which the dinner will be ready in 15 minutes, but you need something in your stomach immediately. Its rich texture, greasy and salty taste are super satisfactory, and because they have a little bit of grease, them you will hold until it is time to eat. In addition, you can consume 5 of them by only 20 calories.


Are salted and crisp as the potatoes, but are filled with proteins that overwhelm your appetite and fiber instead of empty calories. To make them, stir a tin of chickpeas (washed and rinsed) with a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of cumin or paprika and coock it in your stove at 400 celsius degrees about 10 minutes. Save leftovers and put them to salads instead of croutons.


What has more fiber than a cup of oats? A cup of oat bran. A portion of 1/3 cup gives you almost a third of your recommended intake of fiber daily, which will help you to stay really full for a long time. To achieve that lasts for more time, kitchen your saved with low-fat milk. This will add an extra shot of protein, in addition, the research suggests that the combination of fiber with liquids may help this to be more substantial.


When you want to eat something sweet, a piece of dark chocolate is your best bet, and not only because it is significantly better for you that a brownie. The research suggests that the food with intense flavors tends to tire faster to your taste buds, so that you end up by feel satisfied with a small portion or two instead of with an entire box of biscuits.

Well my friends of Steemit. I hope you like my third contribution. These are small strategies or changes in our diet that will help you to lose weight.

From December 2015 until today, I achieved lower 35 pounds with these and more small changes that I will go publishing.

If you like this type of tips you can follow me. Have a great week pals.

The pics are took froom google and the tips too. Search on google, pal. Some of the pics are uploaded by me in tinypic cause the original link can´t be loaded on Steemit.

If you need help or have a question, please leave a commnet or send me a message in chat or to my account.


I could quite easily tuck into the first 5 in one go.

If it is possible. It is only a matter of taste. The strategy number 7 is also very good, because it brings the desire of something sweet with less sugar and calories. Thanks for your comment. Have a great week Karen.

Truly great tips I will keep them in mind. All these things need to be placed near the checkout counters rather than the stuff they usually have there

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