Steem/Steemit - Death by Suicide...???

in #seriousstuff5 years ago (edited)

"Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder" - Arnold Joseph Toynbee

Historian Arnold Joseph Toynbee died OCTOBER 2, 1975.
He provided foreign intelligence for the British during World Wars I and II, and served as a delegate to the Paris Peace Conferences following both wars.
Arnold Joseph Toynbee was educated at Oxford “almost entirely in the Greek and Latin Classics.”
Toynbee taught at King’s College of London, the London School of Economics, and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Toynbee authored many history books, including Greek Policy Since 1882 (1914), and The Murderous Tyranny Of The Turks (London, New York: Hodder & Stoughton, 1917)

The opening quote that I used for this short post, was intended to spark some thought perhaps about our actions, as a group or individual with regard to the current Steem/Steemit vs Tron fiasco.

I'm an older member of the Steemit community (In biological terms, not by date of membership) and I used to be fairly smart in ways that elude me a bit in my Senior years. Yet, since I haven't totally drifted into La-La Land, there may be some value in what I have to offer my fellow community members in regard to this whole mess.

Course of Action:

  1. Quit your fuckin bitching and just do what you think is 'best' for the Community as a whole.
  2. Do whatever it is that you feel able to do with whatever talents and resources you have at hand.
  3. Try to make decisions based upon calm, sane thought rather than crazy-assed emotional thinking.
  4. Leave your retarded ego out of the process.
  5. Prepare for the worse...yet, work towards and expect the best outcome.
  6. Don't listen to old folk like me who might not give a shit one way or the other.
  7. Remember..."Life goes on, until your dead" - Anon

Have a Marvelous Day/Life

Another Senior Moment from the Mind of @AngryMan - March 11, 2020 on


That the kind of get back up and kick ass list a person needs not just now but most of the time.

Hi Buddy...Nice to hear from you :>) Hope you're healthy and happy today.

Never happy, always healthy :)

Have a smoke and chill

Bash those snowflakes to pulp!


Great advice.

Posted using Partiko Android

Preach! I am also an older fart than many here and I would tend to agree

Hi @nikv … Thanks for commenting. These days when I get in the preaching mood, I try to do it in a round-about way, preferably with some form of humor kicked in :>)

We 'old folk' have more life experience to draw upon and 'continue' to learn from 'ourselves' in hindsight...I've been flooded with new perspectives about past events in recent days. They are like "Ah-Ha moments" flooding my brain :>)

Hope you are well and happy where you are at, regardless of what is now transpiring in the world around us.


By now, I just tell myself, it is what it is and try to find a way forward in most situations so I am soldiering on. We happen to have an extra annoyance, in the form of a failing national power grid so the constant blackouts are centre-stage in my life right now. The rest will be dealt with as it happens. Keep well :)

Plunged into darkness can be annoying regardless whether it is from a power outage or disastrous event like a Zombie Apocalypse... I do hope you are well otherwise, and stay that way :>)

But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers.(1 Peter 4:7)

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