The lockdowns are endless... What are you binging?
...Winter is coming....
Or better said winter feels endless. I don't know about you but I have almost officially beat Netflix and any other streaming service to its game in how much I am watching series. Binging isn't my favorite game to play, but I have been mastering it over the last couple of months. So what have I been watching? And what are you watching?
This German series has surprised me more than I had initially expected. When two kids disappear in a small town with a powerplant initially this feels move like a detective serie, but very soon you start to realize this all has to with time travel, and all the story lines which come with that. Sci-Fi isn't really my game, and luckily this serie didn't turn out that way.
In the beginning of season 2 I was afraid that the serie would start to get milked out, but this wasn't the case at all. The story got better and better during the season 2 and I am super siked now to continue watching. A serie with real cliff hangers and not one to fall asleep with. Yes, German from language, but subtitles will help you along the way if needed!

Tabula Rasa
Initially I found the name for this series 'Tabula Rasa' such a strange one, because the weirder the title, the less likely it is that you will start watching. Well, luckily eventually I did, and the title 'Tabula Rasa' actually means 'Clean Slate', which refers the the main player of the series who is acting through a loss of memory.
This lady is admitted in a mental institution because she is the ain suspect in a missing persons case. Because of an accident she only has long terms memories and short terms memories she tends to forget when there are high stress levels.
I really found this a series with a fantastic outcome and which was interesting until the last second. Also a couple of times the plot twists brutally and it was filmed in a cool way. I didn't like the fact that ther was always suspence music when someone is lurking around the corner, which initially made me think that this was more of a horror series, but it really wasn't.
With just 1 season made a person bingeworthy serie for a weekend with rain ;)

Over water
Another Belgian series which actually hasn't the best plot in there, but the series is beautifully filmed in the harbors of Antwerpen, Belgium where actully a lot of times the skyline and evening views are highlighted.
Somewhere in the story are some elements which come from the true story of 'Frank Marsmeijer' who is a Dutch TV-show host who eventually did his time for drug trafficing in the Belgian harbors. Well, in the this show the main host also used to be a TV-show host and just came back from rehab. His wife is the daughter of one of the dock-owners and in episode one you see the father die, with all the troubles which come with that.
Drugs, trafficing, supression and all topics which come with there are here and although this wasn't the best serie in quality, it still was a joy to watch. It is funny how a lot of these Belgian actors are in multiple series and keep coming back and back. It has a guessing game in there from where you know someone.

Allthough I have enjoyed watching these series a lot during the lockdowns being inside, it is time for better weather and less covid and getting a social life back so we all can discuss these series in person again, versus watching more and more stuff.
But in case we get locked in again, what are you watching which you would recommend just to pass the time a little?