- Once I stole a car from my friend. I could not play it. I began to suffer terribly. About it my mother recognized and advised me to call the parents of that boy. Shame was monstrous, the very thought of the call - intolerable, but I made up my mind.
Then I realized that courageous actions are more difficult to perform than shameful ones, but they make you stronger ...
- Once I went to the camp of the pioneer asset, because I was in love with the pioneer leader. Before that, I was in the camp only once, but I escaped. Here I was appointed a standard-bearer. I really liked white gloves, a red ribbon over my shoulder and a cap, but it turned out that at the end of the ceremony of the transfer of the banner he would have to be kissed. It seemed to me a little unnatural, especially, to be honest, by that time I had never kissed. In general, the appointment did not take place. In addition, I did not lead a social life, I did not like the game "candle", and I never learned to play the drum. I did not do anything wrong, but the activists hated me. I had to leave again.
Then I realized that even if you are a good person, this does not mean that everyone will love you ...
- Once we were sitting with my friends after school in the school locker room. A teacher of junior classes passed by, who decided that we were climbing our pockets. The proceedings began. The case of theft was announced at the parents' meeting. It was impossible to justify, even parents began to doubt. Before that I had to lie, but, as a rule, unsuccessfully. Therefore, the strength and authority of the truth were indestructible to me.
But then I realized that even if you are right, it does not mean that you will be believed. It turned out that we must fight for the truth ...
- In young years, much is the physical strength and sense of justice. So at school I often fought. At sixteen I broke my nose to my classmate. In principle, as the investigator explained, this was considered a serious bodily injury. But after the interrogation, he promised not to start a business, but offered to inform him about the cases of theft and dissemination of pornography in school and left the phone. The paper had to be thrown out in the corridor, as the victim eavesdropped at the door.
Then I realized that dignity must always be stronger than fear ...